The Nanosuit 2 as a Game-Changer?

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:30 pm

Does anyone think the Nanosuit 2 will be a game-changer in multiplayer? I personally think no. From what I've played on the PC demo, it seems to me that the multiplayer is just recycled COD. Maps are about the size of COD's maps and aiming seems like COD as well. In Crysis 1, aiming felt real with the recoil as if I were there. Calling a gunship at certain kill streaks? Seems cool but gets me bored as I already have COD.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:23 am

does recoil make sense for a strength agumented supersoldier? Really?

as for the Nanosuit.....well, think about the modules and how they could turn campfests into actually fun games....hehehehe
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:34 am

Aiming seems like Call of Duty's aiming? No crap.
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:22 am

there is only 1 nanosuit 2.

multiplayer nanosuits are for grunts.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:24 am

I think the way the nano suit is now does make a game changer. Each mode plays very different from one another and each upgrade module plays different than the others. To me it feels like I can freely switch between 3 play styles at a time which leads to more opportunities for me to out think my opponents rather than just out shoot them.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:59 am

Yeah, in the end its just COD with super jump, invisibility, and no-recoil weapons.
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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:47 pm

Yeah, in the end its just COD with super jump, invisibility, and no-recoil weapons.

And since when is that a bad thing? COD may not be everyone's favorite, but it did, after all, define multiplayer shooters just as much as something like Halo. If COD had super-mario-of-the-future jumping, invisibility, airstomping, sliding, etc.... I would actually play it, nomatter the consolifications.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:07 pm

You guys need to quit comparing everything to call of duty, that just means you play it way too much.
And yes the suit is a game changer, and if you don't know how to use it to your advantage then your not very bright!
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:16 pm

If you can't tell the difference between Crysis 2 and Call of Duty then you're not using the Nanosuit enough :)
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marie breen
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:54 am

If you can't tell the difference between Crysis 2 and Call of Duty then you're not using the Nanosuit enough :)

I think that's the problem Adam.......they think the nanosuit is the ONLY differential and in thinking that they reduce the nanosuit to a simple gimmik as opposed to a fundamental gameplay element....
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:39 pm

If you think the Nanosuit doesn't offer fundamental gameplay difference then i reiterate my previous post.

How else would you propose they differ? Crysis 2 doesn't use guns? Crysis 2 doesn't reward players for playing well? Crysis 2 doesn't allow players to customise and setup their character/rollout the way they want it?
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:51 pm

I dunno Adam....I do not share their view on Crysis 2's Multiplayer

as it is tho perhaps I am the wrong person to ask, my main interest is the Single Player Aspect of the game and the amazingly immersive experience you guys crafted not the competitive multiplayer modes

I can recognize their Modus Pensandi because it is rather common on other Forums when dealing with other games (in particular RPGs) and offer my observations about it but beyond that Adam, I am not an MP person so I honestly have no answer to your question as they defy my way of thinking
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:47 pm

All good, i am genuinely interested to delve further into this topic to see if it goes beyond the surface. I didn't realise your point was 3rd party :)
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:07 pm

one of the biggest differences in gameplay, and playstyles between a CoD game and Crysis 2 is that camping is a really really bad idea. Think about it, if you stop moving thats the perfect time for someone in stealth to assassinate you, and if you just hang back and snipe you're gonna have a rediculously hard time getting dogtags.

there are similarities, as noted both games have guns, and ads, but the playstyles they cater to are fairly different. That's probably why there's been so much hate going round lately.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:10 am

If you can't tell the difference between Crysis 2 and Call of Duty then you're not using the Nanosuit enough :)
The nanosuits a boring gimmick.
Wow, I can turn invisible, but all it takes is someone with half an eye to see you.
Wow, so he turned on armour mode, he's now slow.. Just headshot him faster than he sees you and he's dead.

It's COD with special powers.
Nanosuit 1 spits all over nanosuit 2.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:33 am

All good, i am genuinely interested to delve further into this topic to see if it goes beyond the surface. I didn't realise your point was 3rd party :)

ok...sorry Adam for the late reply but I went to bed last night before you replied to me.

Ok, so....why do people critique C2's MP? well....aside for the obvious that you cannot please everyone the problemis that some people feel betrayed by the multiplatform switch. They will never see anything as being good on its own merit because "crysis 2 is not an exclusive anymore there fore it is consolized in all its aspects and cryteksold out" and so on ad infinitum. Paying attention to this Kind of critique is a waste of time because it is as far away from being objective or constructive as one can get.

others may see the "model" you chose for the MP as a carbon copy of COD's MP (you know...levelling up....lacking large vehicle gameplay, designed for quick matches etc...). Now, these people may or may not see the Nanosuit as something more than a gimmik because they literally stop paying attention once they realize this is not "powerstruggle" or a long drawn out attrition MP variant involving vehicle battles and such. Balance also seems to escape them as does the "rock paper scissor" like system you put in place for people to counter the powers of each other nanosuit.

As for me, having played SOME Gears of war 1 MP (and thus knowing what straightforward shooter mechanics look and feel like) I can tell that yes the nanosuit is a central gameplay aspect of the gameplay and so are the interactions between upgrades and modules.

My only suggestions would be, since I am not much of a competitve mp fan, to add a "firefight" or "horde" mode to the MP.

That...and for the competitive MP I'd say, since people complain about it bwing to COD-ish, to do something like it was done with the latest Turok. Yes that game had serious issues BUT they did add something nice to MP and that is a neutral 3d faction. Yes you have the marines and the CELL agents duking it out but the introductions of the cephs as a neutral 3d faction hostile to both teams and responsive to stimuli (attention drawing and whatnot) could provide the necessary omph to dislodge some people from their preconcepts
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:57 pm

Crysis 2 improves and expands upon many elements CoD used in my opinion. People need to stop claiming CoD invented leveling up, classes, etc because they didnt. Its not even CoDs "model" as the above poster claims. Career progression, short games, no vehicles and anything else you relate with CoD were around before CoD latched onto it.

The problem is with the FPS community and not Crysis 2 or CoD. For a lot of people the only FPS they really play is CoD which is why they think CoD invented everything it has now. Its also the reason the only thing they can compare Crysis 2 (or any other FPS) to is CoD.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:19 am

I did not claim COD invented any of those things, I merely stated that those aspects of the gameplay are what some players associate to COD in the form of a model they compare other shooters to.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:19 am

If you can't tell the difference between Crysis 2 and Call of Duty then you're not using the Nanosuit enough :)Emmm, Call of Duty in Nanosuit:P
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:55 pm

How else would you propose they differ? Crysis 2 doesn't use guns? Crysis 2 doesn't reward players for playing well? Crysis 2 doesn't allow players to customise and setup their character/rollout the way they want it? I think the problem is this. The C2-Nanosuit makes you feel awkward and slowed down instead feeling like a supersoldier. Normal running and draining energy is a heavy reason for that, it does feel too restrictive and weak to be aesthetical by any means. Adding climbing is not necessary at all. It disturbs more than it helps since it doesn't work consistently(it doesn't work everywhere where it looks like it would work) and you have no control over it. You could simply replace that climbing stuff with proper jump-height, it boils down to the same. The Nanosuit is too slow to develop any depth in shootouts, especially too slow for pc-players. It means you can hold your fire on the enemy without any problems (try to do that in Unreal Tournament). So that means your success is heavily dependent on "who is spotting who first". There is not necessarily something wrong with that in general but given team-based action and a lot of spawning it becomes more of a matter of luck. And this twitch-based trend is actually what makes it like Cod for many people.

If you want to see a classic but decent shooter with guns that is not Cod, just play Unreal Tournament Classic.
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