1. What will be the final system requirements for Crysis 2? The demo runs amazingly well on my system - AMD Phenom II X4 965 BE 3.4GHz Quad, Single ATI 5770 1GB DDR5 , 2GB DDR2 and Windows XP DX9. I can max out this game at 1920x1080 hardcoe setting (28-40 FPS) which is pretty playable with very mild drop in FPS. If I turn down the resolution to 1280x768 hardcoe (45-55 FPS) it runs bad ass and I don't mind the little washed up look. So the best setting is 1920x1080 Advanced (40-50 FPS) setting is pretty cool. No drop in FPS, runs beautifully. Am I safe and sound (including Single Player) when the original is released on 22nd March?? Can my system handle this game on DX11 if I upgrade the RAM to 4GB DDR3 and Windows 7?
2. How many weapons are in the original game? Does it come with rocket launchers, variety of pistols, assault rifles and sub-machine guns? I am bored of using the same SCAR and other default weapons. Do the maps allow vehicular combat?
3. Will Crytek provide pre-loading options for people with slow internet connection? I have a 768Kbps DSL connection and it takes days to download 14 GB of data so it won't be possible for me to play the game on the release date.
4. What kind of Anti-Cheat system will Crytek ship with the original game? Yesterday, the european servers (Especially German) were full of hackers.
Please reply. Thanks.