1. Ending the demo a week before release
I guess they just wanted to give us a taste of the game but all of a sudden the servers were down and the demo is actually still up and can be downloaded just unplayable. Maybe they posted the ending date of the demo (they probably did) but I had no idea I was trying to sign on for 2 days before I did a google search and filtered through all that **** to find out that it ended. I don't understand that. They leave the demo up but they don't let you play? I had a bunch of friends asking me why the demo I recommended to them wasn't working. I informed them it ended (because that was too hard for Crytek to make obvious.)
2. TV adds
Crytek and EA started their adds on tv for the game the same week the demo goes down. I don't know about you but when I see an add on tv for a game I want to see if there is a demo. Oh cool there is a demo on steam, I will download said demo.... fantastic this demo doesn't work I can't join any games. Wow the demo is busted doesn't make me want to pre-purchase the full game.
3. DX11 where are you?
So supposedly there will be a DX11 patch on day 1. However this is speculation. I was playing Crysis years ago with dx9/10 and we don't get dx11 out of box from the most graphically advanced game on the market. It is not that it bothers me that it will be patched in. What bothers me is that we haven't had confirmation on when the dx11 patch will come out. Why so secret?? I have seen so many posts and threads that say wow no dx11 I'm not going to get this game now.
4. This site is down all the time and I couldn't log in for quite some time. (unprofessional)
I really want to see this game succeed because I think it will be a fun game. It's like Crytek and EA want this game to fail there is just so many things they do that make me say wtf why the hell would you do that. You are just losing sales for these reasons. It is most likely because it is going on consoles as well but Crytek remember where you fan base started.
/end rant