Why is it that armour mode slows you down? You're like a sitting duck using it, and it doesn't even protect you very well against bullets. Many times Ive had armoured mode on and some random guy just waved his weapon(he was not even aiming with his scope) over my head or neck for roughly 0,1 seconds or so. And it kills me because headshots do ridiculous amounts of damage. This game is just so fast, you have no time to react, you can come right around a corner, and some guy can kill you before you can even hit maximum armour and nanovision.
Sometimes people kill you through objects that should've blocked the shot(metal plates etc), or you duck and get cover(you cannot see them anymore because your cover is blocking the sight), and they still shoot you.
Headshots are totally overpowered and need a nerf. The system of nanosuit energy is also totally ridiculous, because of people who cloak. When you're out of energy, you're just a free kill if they find you. There is nothing you can do because you do not have detection against cloaked players. You also cannot run because you do not have energy...
Put a seperate energy bar for maximum armour and cloak in the game or something(just one energy bar, armour and cloak would drain from the same seperate energy bar)? So you can at least try to run away if you do not have any suit powers left.
And some weapons such as the scarab and the JAW could do with a nerf, the scarab just does so much damage, hardly any recoil and is still effective from such a huge distance...
Most players use high firing rate weapons because you don't need to get a high damage weapon to kill people quickly, wave your high firing rate weapon over the enemy's head for just a few miliseconds and he'll die because of the ridiculous critical damage that happens when you shoot them in the head.
And back on to the point of the maps. The way most of them are designed is a bit bothersome. On some such as on Skyline you're at a severe disadvantage if you spawn on the low ground, because you can get sniped and there's not much you can do because the players on the high ground can easily retreat out of the line of sight from your weapon, but due to the difference in height, they can still get shots in on the upper part of your body. Or on some others your mobility is just so severely impaired(due to small objects which you can only jump over, but that costs energy which as I said earlier, will ensure your demise because you're just a free kill when you run out of energy) you'll just be obliterated utterly as soon as someone has his crosshairs on you.