Answer 2 weapon changes!

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:23 pm

All balance changes are based on tonnes of telemetry data that is monitored, collated and then examined to see what weapons are used the most and what weapons are used the least. We want players to experience the whole range of weapons that Crysis 2 has to offer and what we don't want is one or two particular weapons that are OP and abused by everyone creating boring, mono-tone gameplay.

Naturally, you can't please everyone and someone may find that one particular buff or nerf may be contrary to what they've been experiencing but as mentioned, this information is based off a lot of data that is collected so they are changes for the greater good :)


So there you have it. Its been monitored..
So its all statistics.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:04 pm

The problem with this is that well...

People used the stuff that was good, and didnt use the stuff that svcked.

So thanks to the numbers - they made all the good stuff - bad. And vice versa.

Yeah, just an awesome idea
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Julie Serebrekoff
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:57 pm

The problem with this is that well...

People used the stuff that was good, and didnt use the stuff that svcked.

So thanks to the numbers - they made all the good stuff - bad. And vice versa.

Yeah, just an awesome idea

pure perfection xD But why leave the most used weapon untouched? Scar! And why not buff The attachments and the Gauss rifle. These numbers are $@£€(=#...
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Tiffany Castillo
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:04 am

If that's the case, then why aren't X43 Mike, Gauss gun, Grendel and Hammer buffed? And why isn't Scar nerfed?

And Weapon Pro was already good enough, now with the buff it's OP (Weapon Pro+MK60+Assault Scope=pwn)
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:51 pm

The problem with this is that well...

People used the stuff that was good, and didnt use the stuff that svcked.

So thanks to the numbers - they made all the good stuff - bad. And vice versa.

Yeah, just an awesome idea

pure perfection xD But why leave the most used weapon untouched? Scar! And why not buff The attachments and the Gauss rifle. These numbers are $@£€(=#...

Scar: Increased recoil
? Scarab: Increased recoil, Increased spread

Scar was nerfed.

You cant do anything 'bout the gauss atachment, its useless in most cases, and no buff will help it.
Actually thanks to them that they didnt buff the gauss rifles damage to 120+, 'cos that would give us a very annoying (!) and op weapon. Just 'cos 1 shot=1 kill in a sniper rifle is imba.
If you played CS you know how the sniper rifles svck there :)


Actually if i was, for some odd reason - Crytek, i would simply remove the annoying weapons from the game, or nerf them. The annoying ones are those that 1 shot 1 kill, and you cant do anything against them - and thats the JAW and some other weapon that i cant recall.
Im already used to the balance changes, and easily own people who aren't. With nerfing things they left no nub weapon, for new ones, and bad ones to use. And this gives me a huuuuge advantage
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David Chambers
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:00 pm

How can you be so sure about the scar nerf? I dont feel anything different with it?
Well you sure can buff teh attachments! Making it possible 2 switch 2 primary after firing the grenade launcher without being forced 2 reload if first would be great.

Simply add a toggle autoreload.
Or remove the autoreload functions..
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Liv Brown
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