All this work gone...?

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:56 am

Why are you so aggressive? How can you be sure that I didn't play Crysis 2 beta leak? You're the one talking ****. You don't even know what Crysis 2 will look like and you're sayin that my opinion of C2 is ****? LOL

Where do you see aggression in my post? Or you are referring to word "****", well one way or another your are clearly just overreacting. So you have played not finished and bugged scraps of the final release, yep leaked bugged and not finished scraps of the final release truly show how game will be "look" when they finish it. Idk if you are serious or just playing dumb. I am talking @ stuff which we already know about Crysis 2, and you are judging whole game which wasn't released yet =.=" It's like judging whole book after reading five pages riped out in middle of the book

Is it logic for you that jelly-made alien is just partially covered by armor? Epic Fail. You don't even need weapons in Crysis 2, you should just sweep dust towards aliens to kill them. SMH
You're saying that C1 alien design is ripped out of sea creatures... Are you satisfied with C2 alien design that is just rippin out humanoid look? That's sooooo cliché!
I can't wait to ask you about alien design in C1 vs. C2, when C2 comes out. I think you'll be disappointed.

Common sense tells me that fast and mobile aliens don't need full body armor, in evolution species need to lose something to gain something. If game designers want to create very fast unit they can't put "body" into full heavy armor because unit will lose mobility that why in all games units like "scout" have always light armor. Game designers are logic in their choices, you aren't.

Why do i need to wait till game will be released since we already have seen alien units/structures designs? o.O You aren't making any sense.

C1 is wide and it's not completely linear, and most of people playing C1 were enjoying jungle, river, ocean, forest and al that stuff that made C1 look more wide and open... Check this out... Crysis2 is like: follow that road, then turn to another path because road is blocked, then turn to another path cause that first path is blocked, etc, etc, you encounter few c.e.l.l. soliders and few ceph/aliens and that's it!

I never said that views and overall graphic wasn't interesting, i said that it was boring over the time. Also the fact that game terrain is wide doesn't mean that it isn't boring, i rather prefer to watch various city structures than same bushes over and over =.=" And once again, you can't judge final and not released game after playing some bugged and not finished scraps.

If you haven't played Crysis2 yet, how can you be sure that AI is improved?! You're saying exact the same as Crytek. I can understand Crytek, the're trying to hype up the customers, but you're just brainwashed by Crytek.
I think, if you could be able to put on nanosuit and fight alien invasion to save the world, you wouldn't be satisfied, because Crytek gave you promise that Crysis2 be better than that. xD

Soo you are sure that AI wasn't improved and that Crytek lie because you have played not finished scraps of game? Ohh jesus.... no comment here.

The fact that new AI use terrain as a cover is valid proof of improvement over old AI, and they show many times how new AI works so quit trying to prove that AI wasn't improved.

On the side note.... even Ai from first F.E.A.R was 10 times better than AI from Crysis 1 =.="

We shouldn't make conclusions about C2 cause it's not even out yet. But with all of that I had chance to see (vids, trailers, scrnshts...) I think C2 is not even comparable to C1, because C2 is like whole new different game from the scratch, from alien armor, over alien weapons, to alien movement... and I don't like it (with minor exceptions). But It's my opinion, and you should respect it like I respect yours!

Here he comes..... so after judging game which wasn't released you are saying that WE SHOULD NOT make conclusions about game which wasn't released. Seriously are you nuts, or it's normal for you to make statement and then deny it?

Because game is continued in other location and aliens look different it means that it is new game? OK, now you aren't making any sense.

You didn't respect my opinion nor my arguments, you were bashing it with some nonsenses.

This little arguement between you two just made my day. R1nzler FTW!
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:49 am

I like the way the aliens look in Crysis 1 better, but I prefer the way they behave in Crysis 2. I am fine with them giving the aliens legs, but I don't see why they couldn't have kept the old designs for the Hunter in the game instead of inventing "The Pinger".
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:11 am

Common sense tells me that fast and mobile aliens don't need full body armor, in evolution species need to lose something to gain something. If game designers want to create very fast unit they can't put "body" into full heavy armor because unit will lose mobility that why in all games units like "scout" have always light armor.

This is, quite honestly, the first time I've seen the ToE applied to CLOTHES. The Ceph need a 0-g environment to survive. If they only cover their front half in the exosuits meant to keep them alive, guess what'll happen to their exposed parts? Oh yeah, squished jelly.

And if they can manipulate gravity to cover the outside of their suits (i.e. the exposed parts of their body), then your argument that they need limited amounts of armor to maintain mobility (which is a retarded argument, anyway, they're supposed to be a few million years more advanced than us, and in that time they couldn't develop light but resistant armor?) is invalid.

Soo you are sure that AI wasn't improved and that Crytek lie because you have played not finished scraps of game? Ohh jesus.... no comment here.

The fact that new AI use terrain as a cover is valid proof of improvement over old AI, and they show many times how new AI works so quit trying to prove that AI wasn't improved.

So what you're saying is, you're sure the new AI was improved based on the fact that it does something (you've only seen in one or two vids and) the old AI did as well and the word of the devs. Brilliant. Here's a newsflash: AI isn't coded in a month. Whatever was in the leak was final.

I almost forgot. The AI in C2 even shoots its own squadmates, something the rather poor C1 AI was never stupid enough to do.

On the side note.... even Ai from first F.E.A.R was 10 times better than AI from Crysis 1 =.="

No ****, Sherlock. The first FEAR's AI was one of the most highly-praised aspects of the game, mostly since it's still one of the best enemy AIs in shooters.

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Izzy Coleman
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:26 am

why they couldn't have kept the old designs for the Hunter in the game instead of inventing "The Pinger".
Good idea, but the Pinger is more adapted to urban environment since it is smaller and compact. Hunter is adapted to more open environment since he spreads his legs far away from body :D. I hope Crytek will surprise us when Hunter comes out in the final level of the game, from inside of destructed building (or something).
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:18 am

why they couldn't have kept the old designs for the Hunter in the game instead of inventing "The Pinger".
Good idea, but the Pinger is more adapted to urban environment since it is smaller and compact. Hunter is adapted to more open environment since he spreads his legs far away from body :D. I hope Crytek will surprise us when Hunter comes out in the final level of the game, from inside of destructed building (or something).


It doesn't.

*********END SPOILER*************

However, there is no reason they couldn't have kept the general Hunter design and just shrunk it a bit. However, I think the reason why they changed the style so much was to reduce the level of detail on the aliens, which would require less memory usage for texture data so they could put it on the consoles.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:29 am

I Like Crysis 2 aliens more than Crysis 1
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:25 am

Well its been 3 years since the first game, Im pretty sure the aliens would have made technology in those past 3 years. And well Crysis 1 was in the natural environment, jungle and what not so they used aliens in their natural form. But now its in a Built Environment or a 'Modern' Environment and so the Alien design would have to match with it. Having squid-like aliens flying around in New York wouldn't have fit for the environment of the single player.
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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:49 am

This is, quite honestly, the first time I've seen the ToE applied to CLOTHES. The Ceph need a 0-g environment to survive. If they only cover their front half in the exosuits meant to keep them alive, guess what'll happen to their exposed parts? Oh yeah, squished jelly.

And if they can manipulate gravity to cover the outside of their suits (i.e. the exposed parts of their body), then your argument that they need limited amounts of armor to maintain mobility (which is a retarded argument, anyway, they're supposed to be a few million years more advanced than us, and in that time they couldn't develop light but resistant armor?) is invalid.

How do you know that they still need 0-g environment to survive, or that they were need it from beginning on that matter? The fact that you were fighting with "mechanical" aliens outside their sheep doesn't meant that they won't survive while being exposed to gravity. Being squishy doesn't mean that something can't leave and die instantly. Humans are squishy as hell so they use body armors, and yet they can leave without armor without any problem. On another hand they could develop new units which don't have problem with earth environment, and the idea of using lighter armor to gain mobility it is a fact very common even in aver real world =.="
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:04 am

If your whole species has evolved to live in a 0-g environment, you aren't going to survive even 2 seconds in an environment with gravity, and you sure as hell won't change your whole physiology in 2 years. Human beings can survive in an environment with gravity because that's what we're adapted to, that's where our whole species and the millions of others aside from it ever have lived. We have bones, our bodies are adapted to not collapse under their own weight.

Lacking the challenge of gravity, your body has no reason to develop structural resistance.

And the point about armor is the following: if your species has existed for a few million years, you've certainly developed a material light enough to cover your whole body without impeding movement at all while still offering an at least reasonable amount of protection. They're not us. They haven't had industry for only 200-odd years.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:14 pm

Species which can survive 2 mil years in rock, hell can adapt to gravity, and if u didn't read my whole post i said that they could create new type of units/soldiers which don't heave problem with gravity =.="

And the last part.... you completely forget that SiFi is one thing and law of physics is another thing and the fact that aliens have advanced technology doesn't mean that they will create "godlike" armors, or do magic on that matter. Many species have greater capabilities yet they can't use they full potential. You are trying create ultimate argument for any case which doesn't work here, because there always are exceptions.

And if take your point of view seriously then there is no point in creating any Sf game, why?
Short story..... Aliens weak up, they are adv. in any way, in 1 day anihilate whole planet, end of game. This is how would look Crysis 2 if we game dev's will be thinking like you.

Enjoy your game.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:23 pm

Way to not pay attention to the first game. They didn't survive in rock, they survived in stasis onboard their ship.
How does "light armor that is also not made of paper" qualify as "godlike armor"? If the aliens need 0 g to survive (source: Crysis 1), then they need to be encased in armor when they go outside. It's like saying that humans can walk into a cloud of acid because they're wearing gas masks.

IF they can manipulate gravity outside encased areas as well (like say.. the 75% of their bodies that are exposed), to make themselves light enough to not be crushed by gravity then they can also make their armors as light as they need to be to move quickly regardless of how heavy the armors really are.

I like how your argument ends in "if devs were thinking logically, the story would end in us nuked in 50 minutes", though.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:55 am

I'm amazed that people are debating this much about the aliens origins based on their redesign and trying to find a way that it makes sense. The aliens were redesigned to have legs because after the first Crysis the developers discovered that fighting flying squid bullet sponges was not fun. That's all there is to it. They are calling Crysis 2 a reboot because they think they need to in order to get away with the redesign even though they don't need to. Resistance 2 and Halo: Reach have proven that you can retcon stuff and people won't care that it doesn't jive with the very first game in the series.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:13 am

Way to not pay attention to the first game. They didn't survive in rock, they survived in stasis onboard their ship.

Uhmm aliens with were locked in rocks and "we" dig them out, shortly after that they alive . . . and i am the one who didn't pay attention right?

Im not going even comment anything else, because trying to talk to you is pointless on so many level . . .
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Nadia Nad
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:22 am

I don't want to discuss design of aliens in Crysis with some "all-knowing" word-twisting forum member. I just find some of solutions non-logic, like aliens with exposed gelly bodies still continue to fight you even when you blast them with a shotgun, but you can slit them with your knife without any effort, etc...

I like that Crysis 1 alien design a little bit better because it's so "alien" and unknown, and scary in that way... I don't like clichés like humanoid design of aliens, that is used so many times in so many games, movies, tv shows... Aliens should have "alien" design :D that's all I'm saying.

In C2, 3yrs later, the Earth is being attacked by the whole another alien species, less dangerous one, yet with more familiar friendly look :D :P

Maybe C2 wont be that bad as I'm saying (pessimistic me), but still I have a feeling that it wont be as good as C1 (at least for me).
I'm waiting for Crysis 3 (note to myself: be patient!) xD
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:24 pm

Way to not pay attention to the first game. They didn't survive in rock, they survived in stasis onboard their ship.

Uhmm aliens with were locked in rocks and "we" dig them out, shortly after that they alive . . . and i am the one who didn't pay attention right?

Im not going even comment anything else, because trying to talk to you is pointless on so many level . . .

Lolyeah, I'm the one who tried to apply the theory of evolution to artificial exoskeletons and to say that the aliens created a whole subspecies that could somewhat live on earth, instead of simply designing better exoskeletons.

The only "alien" who was "buried" in a rock was a fossilized Scout. INSIDE said Scout was a possibly living Ceph. The others were inside their ship, the whole damn thing buried in rock. Not the aliens themselves, the SHIP was buried in rock.
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Christina Trayler
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:05 am

Like i said, pointless.

They evolve, designers didn't like old aliens, w/e, get over it will ya. I am sure Crytek could use your common sense in Crysis 3 lmao. It will be 5min game but won't lack any holes in whole story.
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:46 am

You are right - It will be hard to aim those flying aliens on consoles. conclusion: Consoles are ruining Crysis 2.


This whole game has been destroyed because of console limitations.
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