» Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:04 am
Uh 1080i is not the max output for a PS3, there is a setup where you can choose and test which connection is max and mine is currently set to 1080p. Now whether or not the game actually supports that connection is another thing, but some games do even if it just upscaled.
check this out http://photos.imageevent.com/gamescans/sonyplaystation3/Metal%20Gear%20Solid%204%20Guns%20of%20the%20Patriots%20cover%2001.jpg , it is a pic of the front and back cover of Metal Gear Solid 4, just like one I have in my hand as im typing it, and on the back it says 480p (which is standard def) 720p, 1080i, and 1080p. Obviously the PS3 supports 1080i and 1080p with the only difference being the things I pointed out a few replies back.