Assault Mode Fix List

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:49 pm

All i would change in the Assault mode is its respawn time.
Assault is a one-life game mode there is no respawn...

i don't understand what you guys mean when you say CELL has won more games or that Marines spawn is wrong, they take turns so CELL just has better players and they both have spawns mixed up. So plz refer to them as attackers and defenders, because both of them defend and attack.
Because the game is assymetrical when you talk about balance and the different tactics each team has to assume in a round you have to refer to that specific team.

Fix spawn, HMG and maybe longer rounds
Longer rounds will put the Marines (aka Defenders) at even a greater disadvantage. To see how, consider an example with unlimited time where the Cell (Atackers) have time to attack nodes briefly, then run and hide totally stealthed -- it would unbalance the round and make Defending a drag. The short timer is a good thing it's very well balanced, puts a lot of pressure on everyone to perform, and most importantly makes sure anyone that dies early isn't hung out to dry for a ridiculous amount of time -- people leave when the wait gets too long in one life games, and there really aren't that many playing on PC to begin with.

I love that sometimes you get a weapon if you stealth kill someone, but sometimes you don't so is getting a weapon a bug or not getting? Getting a weapon is a nice reward.
Yes! It's... Both? Shhh, if it's a bug it might get stomped.

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Allison C
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:26 pm

damn i meant more rounds not longer but what makes Marines defenders? i have see Cell defend too
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:55 am

damn i meant more rounds not longer but what makes Marines defenders? i have see Cell defend too
I agree more rounds would be good, as long as it's kept at an even number. The Marines defend the Nodes, which the Cell Team are 'attacking' to download data; it's a little obtuse but that's the back story for Assault Mode. It's also generally correct in military and even sports contexts to discuss defense and offense with respect to a specific objective, i.e. are you trying to defend/protect something, or attack it. Of course in either case you can assume a preemptive attacking approach or a more cautious defensive posture, and usually as a team you do both...

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Jade Payton
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:29 pm

Only the second 2 Claims make any sense.

The 1st one is totally legitimate and a fine strategy IMHO.

The only way someone is really going to be THAT LETHAL with it is if they have Aim enhance and only 1 of the classes offers that AFIK.
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Kayla Keizer
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:23 pm

i love this mod as well. You alrady pointed out the 2 biggest problems atm. That is inconsistent spawns. Sometimes i spawn wit hthe enemy team or at least on the otherside of the map with them. And the other thing is detachable weapons should be disabled in this mod , as it was pointed out it definetelly skewes the balance.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:31 am

Not sure what vosse is talking about, but yes ^nox, there seems to be unanimous agreement that Assault Mode would benefit from fixing the four things in the OP (updated) I should probably put this in title post as edit in hopes someone at Crytek actually gives a flying fart...


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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:06 am

Over two months and four patches later and the same issues prevail for Assault Mode Fans unaddressed:

· Spawns Are Still Broken
· Detachable HMGs Are Still Grossly Imbalanced/Exploitable On Some Maps (Lock Them)
· More Rounds Requested Since Day One
· Support Assault Mode On All Maps Per EA's Advertising

Assault Fans lease over sixty servers (down from over one-hundred and fifty), and while a minority we're still paying Customers that compose a significant portion of the Crysis 2 Audience. This isn't much that Assault Fans have asked for, in fact any capable Mod Talent could do it all in a couple of hours tops... What about it EA\Crytek?

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:41 am

resurrectiing this importnat thread !
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:31 pm

Well I don't think there's much more to do but hope more disillusioned Assault Fans will post here and to the Community Suggestions for Future Patches thread as there's already half a score of other threads on the four issues in the updated OP in this thread that are now buried/ignored...

When you consider that it has been over two months and four patches without so much as a dent in any of Assault Mode's easy to fix issues, fixes that have been applied to other game modes, and that there are really only four maps that get any play on AM servers -- the outlook isn't very optimistic... The bright side is there are still Assault servers up and people playing.

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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:50 pm

This is interesting; apparently there are Assault Mode assets on every map, they mode is just not unlocked... What a stinker of a deal...

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Vera Maslar
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:50 am

damn i meant more rounds not longer but what makes Marines defenders? i have see Cell defend too
I agree more rounds would be good, as long as it's kept at an even number. The Marines defend the Nodes, which the Cell Team are 'attacking' to download data; it's a little obtuse but that's the back story for Assault Mode. It's also generally correct in military and even sports contexts to discuss defense and offense with respect to a specific objective, i.e. are you trying to defend/protect something, or attack it. Of course in either case you can assume a preemptive attacking approach or a more cautious defensive posture, and usually as a team you do both...

Both teams can attack or defend - as both teams have a nanosuit and a normal model. I've seen both.

Next to the in the OP mentioned stuff, I would like to add some way to know your stamina as defender (and while we're on it, classic too?) as it is very frustating to start sprinting just to find out that you just had BARELY enough stamina to get around the corner you're at before you slow down again. In that case, I wouldn't have bothered sprinting all together.

Also, I would prefer an odd number instead of an even one as when the amount of won rounds is even, it sometimes is up in the air which team won by the overall uploaded data. With an odd number, one team would have clearly at least one more round won. Maybe it could be the first team winning four rounds - or just 7 rounds alltogether?
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:27 pm

Next to the in the OP mentioned stuff, I would like to add some way to know your stamina as defender (and while we're on it, classic too?) as it is very frustating to start sprinting just to find out that you just had BARELY enough stamina to get around the corner you're at before you slow down again. In that case, I wouldn't have bothered sprinting all together.
Yes, I only included fixes in the topic post that were in the half a score of other threads on Assault Mode, common to many, and very easy to fix. There were lots of good ideas, and I agree a stamina indicator of some kind is is one of the better suggestions for exactly the reasons you mention, and a few others that may be contraversial...

Also, I would prefer an odd number instead of an even one as when the amount of won rounds is even, it sometimes is up in the air which team won by the overall uploaded data. With an odd number, one team would have clearly at least one more round won. Maybe it could be the first team winning four rounds - or just 7 rounds alltogether?Here I disagree, the game is assymetrical and not enterily well balanced between teams across all maps; without agruing which team has the upper hand on which map, lets just suppose that on a particular map it's agreed the Defenders have a significant advantage; in seven rounds one team gets to play as Defenders four times, giving them a clear over-all win advantage with all other things being equal. Now while that may not bother you or me, it's going to discourage a lot of Players, and I'd rather more played Assault then less.

I wish more Assault Fans would chime in, as it's generally an Audience with more interesting things to say then FC2 random respam death match crowd.

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:13 am

Please Add one more thing. To show number of Enemies and Allies alive in HUD. That would be REALLY useful. And also number of uploaded intel by both teams for whole game (when the game ends 2/2 then amount of intel is important who win. So would be nice to know how much I should upload to win.)
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:02 am

PS: Please do some TIER II fixes to include this less important things...
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Trista Jim
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:09 am

There are a lot of good suggestions here and elsewhere that would make Assault Mode a better game, like why when EA Games has all the Player performance stats they have don't they use them to better balance games?

But, of more grave concern is the fact that there are easy to fix deal-breaking issues that have cut the dedicated Assault Mode server count in half in a little under a month, and where there were Assault Mode games running 24/7, now there hours of the day where there are none.

Just three fixes would get more people playing again, and one that would sell a lot more DLC: fixes asked for over a two months, fixes applied to Crysis 2's other game modes but not Assault Mode...

Why? =O(

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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:06 pm

Just on laser sights, I personally like them (both as attacker and defender), they can be used to mess with attackers heads completely if they are only looking for laser sights, (like having one guy pretending to noob it and have his laser pointing out the door, while the rest are staring at the ground, then call as soon as the predator comes out to attack one guy, and gets mowed down. Or fake it out the door, then flank a position where you think they're coming from).

One thing I would like to see is some better attacker classes, most of the modules are balls. And some more maps, and no 8player assault maps (the mode suffers greatly imo from less players).

Would love to see this on more maps, and yeah, randomly spawning facing down 3 scars is about as enjoyable exploding testicles for breakfast.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:28 am

I agree, initially it looked like the laser sights might imbalance the game, but many have found they play really well from both sides. As for more maps; yes it's patently ridiculous that Assault Mode assets are on all the maps but only unlocked on a few -- and only one in the new DLC...

But there's even more bad news for Assault Mode Fans: after waiting over two months and chewing through four patches without a single fix for the the top three glaring issues in Assault Mode (two that have been fixed in other game modes), the new patch announcement lists no fixes for Assault Mode either, meaning even if your optimistic it will probably be another month before our favorite game mode even gets looked at for the first time by EA\Crytek...

Pretty dismal outlook, and no wonder Assault Mode server count has now dropped to less then half what it was less then a month ago, and the competitive Assault Mode play-share has all but dried up...

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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:29 am

Crytek please fix this. This is one of the most fun modes in Crysis 2. There are few major things t hat should be an easy fix:

1. Spawns (sometimes you spawn with the enemy team)
2. HMG should not be pressent for better balancing as marines cannot pick it up.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:01 am

^nox, you are right, at this point those two fixes are critical 'deal breakers' to the playability and popularity of Assault mode; I've even updated the topic post to refelect that.

As it seems to be the case of 'the squeeky wheel gets the oil', where most spammed complaints on this forum get the fixes or in some cases trivial tweaks -- while important but easily fixed issues that seperate Fans from the game go unchecked, probably the only thing for it at this point is if Assault Mode Fans spam a link to this thread (just copy and paste the orange text):

[url=]Assault Mode Fix List[/url]
In the PC Patch Preview or what ever happens to be the latest sticky patch thread... Considering we're on patch five, and these two deal-breaking issues haven't been addressed in Assault Mode (but are in other game modes), Fans are going to have to step up the effort in gettin Assault Mode the attention it badly needs.

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:40 am

^nox, you are right, at this point those two fixes are critical 'deal breakers' to the playability and popularity of Assault mode; I've even updated the topic post to refelect that.

As it seems to be the case of 'the squeeky wheel gets the oil', where most spammed complaints on this forum get the fixes or in some cases trivial tweaks -- while important but easily fixed issues that seperate Fans from the game go unchecked, probably the only thing for it at this point is if Assault Mode Fans spam a link to this thread (just copy and paste the orange text):

[url=]Assault Mode Fix List[/url]
In the PC Patch Preview or what ever happens to be the latest sticky patch thread... Considering we're on patch five, and these two deal-breaking issues haven't been addressed in Assault Mode (but are in other game modes), Fans are going to have to step up the effort in gettin Assault Mode the attention it badly needs.


Copied and pasted to patch preview hopefully they will listen :D
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Sarah Bishop
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:37 pm

What's doubly confounding about this is Assault Mode so easy to fix, as the fixes needed have already been applied to the other game modes, and fixing Assault Mode is an 'everyone wins' proposition...

This is especially sad as Assault Mode is essentially balanced and doesn't have the freight of ridiculous weapon load-out issues the other game modes suffer under that will require constant tweaking, and probably never be fixed, and only two quick and easy fixes could literally rescue Assault Mode...

Assault Mode was a quite popular go-to game mode that had more solo servers then any other, and Fans have created nearly half a score of threads that started to appear day one regarding the two issues have been pointed out time and time as real deal-breakers that are seperating Assault Fans from Crysis 2.


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