» Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:44 am
Hmm, I don't recall the christian's blowing up buildings, or screaming their hate of everyone else in the last few years. Just muslims and the InCrysis people.
You do know the only reason lots of people are christian in the western world is because christians slaughtered millions of people who did nothing but believe something different right? Such a narrow view of history some people have.
Regardless, the age of religion is at an end, it's now becoming a hobby, a back seat morale system, and the world is much better for it. Religion is fine, but using it to make decisions that affect countires and even the world? Not a chance. If someone said for you to give them your sweets because an invisible man said you'd tell them where to get, but for some reason it was fine for someone to say an invisible man told them to invade a country.