I'd like to say that this game is just going downhill with all the glitches. Please fix the major issues before you try to milk us $10 USD for a pathetic 4 maps that should have been free and included in an update.
Well, let me name some glitches for my account that have not been resolved.
I have max power module but I am missing one power module unlock. Yes, I have level 12 power module but cannot unlock point fire enhance. This problem has persisted for oh, say... over 2 weeks? Possibly 3.
Another problem that really got on my nerves is my "Retriever" perk. I have killed more than enough people with that perk attached. That is why it is Level 3. But wait, NOT ANYMORE. For some ridiculous reason, it reset to level 1 and I recently leveled it back to level 2. But, seriously WHY THE HELL DID IT RESET IN THE FIRST PLACE?
I know some friends who are experiencing similar issues, so I know we can't be alone. Many are annoyed at this game that has great potential. Fix the glitches, Crysis people. That is, if you aren't busy making another DLC pack that pitifully tries to steal some more of our money.