Players kicked off leaderboard?

Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:36 am

Are players being kicked off the leaderboards or somthing, becuase last night i was rank 896 or somthing, and today I logged in just to see if the new patch was ready to download and I noticed I was now rank 777, this had happened to me befor, about a week ago i was like rank 1300-ish, then next moring i was rank 900ish.

Personlay i think it's great if they are removing cheaters from the leaderboards and us real players are starting to see where we really stand.

So, are players actually being kicked?
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Soku Nyorah
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:54 am

Yes, there is someone cleaning the leaderboards (finally). There are still loads and loads of hackers at the top. My best guess is your number -400/500 = your real position. Yes, there are tons of hackers still.

What i don't get is how people like OMG alizeds and other "OMG" players still didn't get removed, they are here from day 1, today i met them again.
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