I've been going with the concept of "It isn't out yet" Everyone's opinion is invalid until I get it at release. So I've been calling BS on everyone who's already rating and claiming they have it. So word to the wise, don't tell us you have otherwise I'll just call you a big fat phony.

Yeah I think so because I found these screenshots on Youtube. I think these are the real deal but the guy on here was a Billy BS-er.
Everyone's taking the fun out of waiting. This new generation with this "I want it now" attitude just needs to die already. Good things come to those who wait. Like for example, blockbuster movies or games.
You know why they are blockbusters? Cause people have heard a lot about it and don't know much about it, except that its really that damn good and they need to see it. So, they go to the theater or a game-store and wait in line till midnight release or an early screening just hoping they have the opportunity to actually buy a ticket or buy the game. Feeling good about the fact that they showed up early and are the first or the second in line, while everyone else is way far in the back and are going to possibly run into the "Sold out" or the "Theater is full" scenario. Talking to people while waiting for midnight to come about the previous games before it or the actors, the graphics, everything possible in a subject and possibly making a new friend or two along the way?
What happened to those days? Let us enjoy those days again.