» Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:38 pm
Yea, this is somewhat broken, but hopefully not beyond repair. Lets hope they want to fix the game, which is not always given in today's market.
- Login issues, I had to make a new account to be able to play
- My mouse lags even though my FPS is good (enough); reducing the graphical options seems to help even though my FPS improves only slightly
- Multiplayer keeps disconnecting randomly
- In singleplayer my melee stops working randomly after a checkpoint load
- The graphical options page is a joke, huge props to Wasdie for his tool
- The game kept asking for the key, and doesn't support copy'n'paste. Gee, thanks. Got this solved with the info on a sticky in here.
- Singleplayer AI is buggy: They get stuck a lot and in a group can't decide who should attack me first. This leads to rather "mexican standoff" kind of situations where everyone is pointing guns at each other but not firing.
Considering how strict the console manufacturers TCR requirements are, I suspect that we PC gamers just got the short stick in the bug fixing and polishing phase. Hopefully they have some resources tucked away that can be pulled in to fix the glaring issues post launch. It would be nice to hear from Crytek if they are actively going to support the community or not.
CCP, who run the Eve Online, have found out that being open and communicating a lot with the community helps both development and relations between the developer and the community (paying customers) at large. I hope that more developers would consider this approach with their community managers and pr folks. It does increase the costs somewhat, but you get a lot less bad PR in the process when rumors don't fly around generating bad publicity and the community's hunger for information is satisfied. There will always be the small vocal group of dissidents, there always will be, but this way their mangled message and speculation doesn't start to spread as a fact.
Up your community resources, it will pay dividends in the long run.
Lets give them time to fix the bugs and see what happens, I havent given up on crytec just yet.
Regarding ccp and eve online, well they are a monthly subscription and have to have pr, especially with them lossing paying customers each and every month. Plus eve online is really spreadsheets in space. Why not open excell with a nice spaceship background and save yourself some cash?