Lets Discuss - PC - Issues

Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:00 am


Ranked multiplayer doesnt work.
Pre-Order Bonus doesnt work
Single Player (Nano Catylst disapeering) doesnt work

You guys used to be a premier PC developer, the thing is i can tell that under all of this there is a great game, the story (that i have seen - dont want to waste nano) looks amazing. I have had fun in the multiplayer that i am able to play.

It just not finished.

I have a 7 day guarantee. If its not working in that time I will return the game - its that simple. Please, fix it.
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anna ley
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:52 pm

You can't return opened software. Jokes on you. Unless the place you bought it from specifically said they would let you return it once opened.
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meg knight
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:20 pm

Hey F3llyn

You can indeed returned open software, especially when the store you buy it from has a 7 day no questions asked return policy.

Love to hear from someone from crytek though.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:37 am

Yea, this is somewhat broken, but hopefully not beyond repair. Lets hope they want to fix the game, which is not always given in today's market.

- Login issues, I had to make a new account to be able to play
- My mouse lags even though my FPS is good (enough); reducing the graphical options seems to help even though my FPS improves only slightly
- Multiplayer keeps disconnecting randomly
- In singleplayer my melee stops working randomly after a checkpoint load
- The graphical options page is a joke, huge props to Wasdie for his tool
- The game kept asking for the key, and doesn't support copy'n'paste. Gee, thanks. Got this solved with the info on a sticky in here.
- Singleplayer AI is buggy: They get stuck a lot and in a group can't decide who should attack me first. This leads to rather "mexican standoff" kind of situations where everyone is pointing guns at each other but not firing.

Considering how strict the console manufacturers TCR requirements are, I suspect that we PC gamers just got the short stick in the bug fixing and polishing phase. Hopefully they have some resources tucked away that can be pulled in to fix the glaring issues post launch. It would be nice to hear from Crytek if they are actively going to support the community or not.

CCP, who run the Eve Online, have found out that being open and communicating a lot with the community helps both development and relations between the developer and the community (paying customers) at large. I hope that more developers would consider this approach with their community managers and pr folks. It does increase the costs somewhat, but you get a lot less bad PR in the process when rumors don't fly around generating bad publicity and the community's hunger for information is satisfied. There will always be the small vocal group of dissidents, there always will be, but this way their mangled message and speculation doesn't start to spread as a fact.

Up your community resources, it will pay dividends in the long run.
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Jonathan Egan
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:38 pm

Yea, this is somewhat broken, but hopefully not beyond repair. Lets hope they want to fix the game, which is not always given in today's market.

- Login issues, I had to make a new account to be able to play
- My mouse lags even though my FPS is good (enough); reducing the graphical options seems to help even though my FPS improves only slightly
- Multiplayer keeps disconnecting randomly
- In singleplayer my melee stops working randomly after a checkpoint load
- The graphical options page is a joke, huge props to Wasdie for his tool
- The game kept asking for the key, and doesn't support copy'n'paste. Gee, thanks. Got this solved with the info on a sticky in here.
- Singleplayer AI is buggy: They get stuck a lot and in a group can't decide who should attack me first. This leads to rather "mexican standoff" kind of situations where everyone is pointing guns at each other but not firing.

Considering how strict the console manufacturers TCR requirements are, I suspect that we PC gamers just got the short stick in the bug fixing and polishing phase. Hopefully they have some resources tucked away that can be pulled in to fix the glaring issues post launch. It would be nice to hear from Crytek if they are actively going to support the community or not.

CCP, who run the Eve Online, have found out that being open and communicating a lot with the community helps both development and relations between the developer and the community (paying customers) at large. I hope that more developers would consider this approach with their community managers and pr folks. It does increase the costs somewhat, but you get a lot less bad PR in the process when rumors don't fly around generating bad publicity and the community's hunger for information is satisfied. There will always be the small vocal group of dissidents, there always will be, but this way their mangled message and speculation doesn't start to spread as a fact.

Up your community resources, it will pay dividends in the long run.

Lets give them time to fix the bugs and see what happens, I havent given up on crytec just yet.
Regarding ccp and eve online, well they are a monthly subscription and have to have pr, especially with them lossing paying customers each and every month. Plus eve online is really spreadsheets in space. Why not open excell with a nice spaceship background and save yourself some cash?
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:16 pm

- Mouse cursor isn't captured, rendering the game unplayable on multimonitor systems without a workaround. (disable additional monitors, or use MouseClip to set clip)

- AI spawn locations are often crap.
If you explore an area in an unconventional pattern (perhaps using an alternate route, clearing the objective, and then back tracking through unexplored alternative routes) you will find enemies spawning right infront of you, or in areas you know were cleared.

- default FOV is dreadful, and FOV changes through console are not stored.

- guns are all fat and ugly, even with near fov set to match fov.

- crosshair is enormous. I realize it behaves that way to give you an idea of what the expected spread will be, but a crosshair that doesn't show you where you are aiming isn't a crosshair at all.

- cars look like they are made of plastic; plus they are all hideously low poly. Vehicles looked LOADS better in Crysis 1.

- huge plumes of opaque smoke are emitted from the barrel of guns, completely obscuring what you are aiming at and making scoped firing far less useful.

- player walks at a snails pace, and my 60 year old mum can sprint faster.

- player can't look straight up/down (exact amount depends upon the weapon), occasionally leading to the bizarre situation of having to back away from the base of a wall to be able to shoot someone at the top of it.

- intro animation spam can't be skipped (preferably permanentaly disabled.)

- game executable is flagged by Avira as containing the trojan TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen3; I believe because the game hasn't been digitally signed correctly.
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:04 pm

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Alexander Horton
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:58 am

Lets give them time to fix the bugs and see what happens, I havent given up on crytec just yet.
Regarding ccp and eve online, well they are a monthly subscription and have to have pr, especially with them lossing paying customers each and every month. Plus eve online is really spreadsheets in space. Why not open excell with a nice spaceship background and save yourself some cash?

You really failed the reading comprehension on this one. I could just as easily used Logitech as an example corporation of a good customer relations program. In what I posted above: It doesn't really matter what the comparison company does to get money, what matters is how they treat their customers. If they are selling a product that will be improved and supported throughout the lifespan of the product, it pays to treat your customers, and their problems, with certain level of respect. This helps you to retain your customers and build a solid fanbase.

So far, probably due to the numerous issues that this game has, we haven't got a solid answer from the publisher or the developer on whether or not they will try to correct these issues, and if they are, approximately when would this happen. I wouldn't really be surprised if Crytek had to negotiate more budget out of EA in order to address these issues. And if that needs to take place the patch will come sometime in the farfar future, if at all.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:09 am

I gave up, 60 down to the tubes.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:13 am

Pretty much get the same as everyone here but will just confirm,

- Login issues, created one account via website but ingame would not recognise the account, this account was created ingame with the demo.
(everything up and running now but still spend about 2 hours on it)

- I can confirm that AI is buggy, keep running into walls etc
- nano catalyst keeps disappearing with every time i start the game (for example will have 400, then quit game, restart and will only have 100)
also, sometimes there is none to pick up.
- melee stops working randomly after zooming for me, can still stealth kill though, and starts working again after a while
- get negative ammo for the shotgun after the helicopter crash (Dead Man Walking). can't collect any ammo, also shotgun attachment for the feline does not work

I agree with TehJumpingJawa about the crosshair and running. Nice if we could customise the crosshair or something. Normal running is a little slow.
Also i can never understand why we're forced to watch the intro animation movies time after time. First time i play a game i like to watch these, see who made the game, lol. But, then it just gets annoying after that. You'll think there would be some official option to disable these.
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Genocidal Cry
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:42 am

It's being fixed right now -_- THE GAME ISN'T DONE YET. Crytek didn't get enough time from EA. Why is this such a hard concept for people to grasp?
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Rudi Carter
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:12 am

It's being fixed right now -_- THE GAME ISN'T DONE YET. Crytek didn't get enough time from EA. Why is this such a hard concept for people to grasp?

Yes, the game is in sorry state, but in order to give the developer and the publisher the feedback that this paid beta test now generates, we need to discuss the issues. One can only hope, as I have stated before, that they have reserved resources for supporting the title throughout its life. As things stand currently, we don't even know if there are going to be more patches. None have been announced. We just assume that there will be one, or hopefully several.

There is always time for QA and polish at the end of the waterfall schedule, but they are the first to shrink when a project is delayed. And as you can see from the current state of C2, this is what you get when that happens.
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:54 pm

As perverse as it is im kinda glad to see that im not the only one with these problems.

Hope we get some kinda response or acknowledgement soon.
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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:44 am

It not CryTEk fault, ITS EA fault, we shouldn't being here bashing Crytek, when Its EA the culprit here...

Lets remember EA did the same thing with BioWare

We need to do something about, they are ruining great game studios and franchises, on this money hungry rushed sequels thing
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candice keenan
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:54 pm

how is it EA's fault? well EA are a bunch of money hungry ignorant ****. $2.40 a min on phone with technical support? LAWL, anyway my point is EA obviously bugged crytek to get the game out seeing as they had enough time to complete the game seeing as they delayed it by about 3 months.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:40 am

These things are never really that black and white. This is a multiplatform title that employs proprietary tech and has a metric sh*t ton of features. Scheduling a behemoth like this is not easy and it will either slip in schedule or ship with bugs. In our case, both happened. I don't think you guys really know how fracking difficult developing something like this is. At least they had an IP to build on, doing all three things (new IP, new tech, new platform(s)) at once is, trust me*, a true nightmare.

What we have here is a common failure in complicated projects: the early adopters will get hosed. Had we been able to show more restraint we could have lurked the forums for few weeks and see from the information available if we would be willing to go through the hassle of getting it to work on a level that would be satisfactory for us. Had I not preordered my copy and stumbled upon these forums this weekend, I would have definitely waited for few weeks at least. It is a battle of wills; do you want to experience something as soon as possible or as brilliant as possible. I often opt for the brilliant approach, which in hindsight I should have done this time as well. Now I can just decide not play and wait for a possible fixes until later returning.

In the end, Crytek should have cut more features or content to be able to ship a more polished experience and possibly released the cut features/levels later on as DLC, paid or not.

And when it comes to Bioware, well, they have never been really known for bug-free titles during their existence. They do produce superb games, but they usually do need few rounds of post-launch patches to be playable. EA or no EA. When it comes to publisher support, I can't comment. I have never used that option and most likely never will. I don't exactly have much faith to some peon at an end of a phone line to be able to give me information that an email or a forum post wouldn't accomplish better.

*TL;DR I'm a game developer. Nothing new to see here.
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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:33 am

- **** FOV
- Pathetic graphics settings
- Bugs and glitches galore
- Even 2 year olds are smarter than the enemy AI
- MP ranks resetting
- Nanocatalyst resetting once you quit the game and go back in
- MP unlocks becoming locked again
- Server is full error even though it isnt full
- Overlapping menu music bug is still there
- Controls become unresponsive at times
- Melee button not working after loading checkpoint
- MP weapon attachments dont appear until after you have spawned for awhile

These are the ones i remember at the moment. There are MORE, will post them next time once i remember what they are.
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