3D convergence

Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:43 am

The game's 3d convergence needs to be tweakable. I'm really starting to loath how every ps3 3d game so far has a "depth" field that basically sets it from looking completely flat to about 4 inches of depth at 100%. Have you tried the Mortal Combat ps3 3d demo? Its about as 3d as a perforated gift card. Bad Company 2 looks absolutely fantastic in 3d using nVidia's 3d vision and that has a lot to do with my unlimited ability to tweak the depth and convergence. The gun I hold and close objects pop out of my TV. Hallways look deep. Steep cliffs look far. When debris flies at me it actually feels like it's coming at me.

Here, ignoring the graphical artifacts caused by the 3D "cheat" I'm finding the game only modestly 3D. Its nothing to write home about and definitely nothing worth buying a set over.

Another thing is that there is about a couple feet of comfortable 3d depth that comes out of the TV but only about a foot of comfortable depth into the TV. Your using only a fraction of the 3d real estate by treating the TV like its some window. Treat it instead like a hologram.

I'm sure there are a few nVidia 3d kit owners with beefy graphical cards who would prefer to just see an override and frame rate hit than be stuck with novelty 3d effects.


After some discovery, in your system.cfg file (located in the directory where you installed crysis 2), add the following lines:

g_skipintro = 1
r_StereoDevice = 3
r_StereoMode = 1
r_StereoStrength = 1
r_StereoScreenDist = 3.9
r_StereoHudScreenDist = 0.5
r_StereoEyeDist = 0.015
r_StereoFlipEyes = 0
r_StereoOutput = 1
r_StereoNearGeoScale = 0.69

This will significantly improve the 3d effect with minimal drawbacks. Its not perfect and is still WIP but its definitely good.

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Aliish Sheldonn
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:49 pm

This is the PC forum. We don't care about your silly PS3 here.
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jessica breen
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:23 am

While I appreciate replies I also appreciate people reading beyond the first 16 words in my post before making them.
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:02 pm

If you have a 3dvision Nvidia glasses you can ajust the convergence, and they put it like a window, just like the new pixar movies, so you can play for hours in 3d withou any headache
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Haley Merkley
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:57 am

You cant adjust covergence. They've hooked the stereo 3d calls so that only the depth hot keys work. The 3d is all a software postprocessing trick using a depth map over a single image, similar to how movies may add 3d to a 2d movie after the fact.
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Lizbeth Ruiz
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:03 am

I actually though Mortal Kombat's 3D is done well. Very subtle and not distracting.
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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:34 am

I read your entire post, you halfwit. This is the PC forum. Who cares about your silly PS3?

Also, why are you using nVidia garbage? Go get an ATI like a real gamer.
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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:03 am

There is a dept field control. With any of the Nvidia 3D software afte you have enabled 3D in the control panel, while in the game you can set your dept field by pressing hold Ctrl and then press F4 to increase or F3 to decrease dept field. Convergence is located in the advanced setting of where you would enable 3D Stereo scopic or 3D TV to be applied as a hot key for in game tweaking.
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Josh Dagreat
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:44 pm

Like i said, this game overrides the nvidia drivers so that the only hot keys that work are enable/disable, depth, and probably swap left/right eye i'm guessing (havent tried it)

And i have depth maxed out and far objects still dont look far away. No more than a foot of depth is actually utilized total. The gun looks 3d, it looks closer than other objects, but it looks compressed and the rest of the game looks very flat. This is usually fixed by pulling the game closer to the user by using convergence.
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chloe hampson
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:51 pm

Does the TV or Monitory have a built in 3D correction feature ? If so you might want to try that also while in game.
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Fiori Pra
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:38 pm

Here, im not alone

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Imy Davies
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:38 am

Someone found the convergence settings!

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jessica breen
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:05 am

After messing with the convergence settings I can say it has confirmed my expectations that they kept the 3d settings low because the fake 3d effect is nearly unplayable with higher settings (to be more specific, aiming down the sights becomes unseeable due to the blur effect that occurs around changes in depth). What I don't understand is why r_stereomode, which is supposed to enable dual-rendered 3d doesn't work as advertised.
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:33 pm

Thanks for the convergence settings link. I hate to hear it doesn't
help much though. I'll still try it out though. I agree with you,
the 3d is horrible compared to other 3d vision games, it just looks
like a cheap gimmick. When done well, as in BC2 and Assassins Creed 2,
the added immersion is astounding! I get butterflies in my stomach jumping
off a tower in AC2, or for a more direct comparison, jumping off a Manhattan
highrise in Prototype with 3d vision on. I do give them credit for taking the time
to make sure 3d works, however. So many games that otherwise work great with
3d vision have shadows, lighting, or other effects that do not render at the proper
z-depth, and I mean recent games. Force Unleashed 2 and the new AvP come to mind.
So at least we have fully working 3d, that is better than nothing. The only reason
I am even bothering to post is because, so far, Crysis 2 is one of the most impressive
games I have ever played, and that makes the shallow 3d depth more disappointing than it
would otherwise be.
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Taylah Haines
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:56 am

Man, I just tried the settings in the nvidia link, and the 3d looks
soooo much better now. Much more depth, and someone posted
a setting that fixes the blur you were talking about with the crosshairs.
r_StereoScreenDist = 0 I think is the one. Thanks again!
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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:07 am

r_StereoScreenDist just flattened out everything so that the HUD is rendered at screen level and the rest of the game is a bit farther away, but objects in the game itself do not have any depth. There aren't any of the blur/ghost artifacts because there isn't any change in depth to create them.

Quite simply, satisfactory 3d gameplay can't be achieved without rendering a separate scene for each eye. I'm crossing my fingers that this is already implemented in the game and its just a matter of crytek turning it on in a future patch.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:00 am

ok I eat my words. You can get some pretty decent 3d although with my settings chain link fences look screwed up when you get close to them. These settings give pretty good depth (close objects pop out of the screen, far away objects are far away), lets you aim down the sites with virtually no blur/ghosting, and overall minimizes graphical artifacts. Still a work in progress

g_skipintro = 1
r_StereoDevice = 3
r_StereoMode = 1
r_StereoStrength = 1
r_StereoScreenDist = 3.9
r_StereoHudScreenDist = 0.5
r_StereoEyeDist = 0.015
r_StereoFlipEyes = 0
r_StereoOutput = 1
r_StereoNearGeoScale = 0.69
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Danger Mouse
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:09 am

Thanks JimboFBX, excellent contribution to the topic of C2 in game 3D.

I didnt have to go into those setting though. Here is what I experienced. 3D as mentioned was unplayable @ 1080. With the available in game 3D settings, when selecting 1080 there was no way to set 24 Hrtz for 1080 except by Vsync.

You would first have to set your display to 1080p @ 24 hrtz first (of course Nvidia Steroscope is enabled already). Go into the game and uncheck fullscreen, and drop the rez below 1024 and then save. Go back to the settings and raise the rez back to 1080, check Full Screen, and Check Vsync and then save.

This activates the 3D. At this point you turn on your 3D glasses. Vsync is what cripples this whole entire thing as it limited your frames to 25 from what i have experienced. So, go back and disable Vsync and then save, and watch your frames jump. My frames jumped to 80-110 average. I also set my Motion Plus to Smooth which helps immensely. I was able to play 8 hours yesterday and man it was insane in 3D. The gun fire flash was right in my face with the big guns. Felt I could just jump in the damn thing.

I will try the convergence setting your posted to see how further I can deepen the 3D

I know you know some of this I just wrote out the steps just in case someone was having simular problems with 3D.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:47 am

What 3d set-up do you have? HDMI 1.4a to a 3d tv? I have a DLP TV and a GTX 470 don't really have framerate issues, which is where my beef comes from because I could likely run at max settings and render 3d the proper way and still be playable.
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Claire Vaux
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:49 pm

Crytek, FYI, the 3d depth setting override's nVidia's global 3d depth setting. The game needs to keep its own depth settings to itself.
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