I spent 60$ freaking bucks in this game. i have Crysis 1 and Crysis Warhead, and i didnt regret buying them from the first moment i started playing.
What the hell is EA doing with the companies? what the hell its happening to them?? just look at the most recent fails, Dragon Age 2, from Bioware and EA, and now CryTek and EA...
This game, its a freaking console port, and its not even a GOOD console port... its just a lame pile of bugs ... good looking bugs... From now, what i can see, is that CryEngine2 was superior in almost every aspect to the 3...
- Bad Textures - Weak AI, foolish, bugged, AI.... - Some Textures like Cars or plants are just horrible... - Audio bugging out like "he he he is is is here here here he he he is is is .... " and all of that with less than 2 hours of gameplay... i mean.. if i die, i get this "press START to load last save" and if i press Start it crashes... and i got the Steam Copy so i assume the patch is already on it.
The worst part, is that i bought it on Steam... i lost my freaking 60$ and i cant re-sell them or something. And if that werent enought, i have like 3 or 4 friends that got the console copy and now they are just mocking at me because the PC version its the crappiest version...
- No advanced graphics settings (i know there are console commands.. but HEY I JUST pAYED 60$ FOR THIS GAME, I DONT WANT TO LEARN CONSOLE COMMANDS) ... - No weapon pick up animation and many other things....
- The AI its the dumbest thing ever... if u go in high dificulties , they are same dumb but they can kill you with a couple of shots... but that doesnt make them more advanced...
I have ALL my hopes in the upcoming patches... i played the Leaked version of this game and i thought "hey this seems buggy and all but they say this is incomplete and the history so far its GREAT so lets buy it"... MISTAKE... its the same freaking thing!!!! ... So... 2 weeks... i just hope that in 2 week i can really play and enjoy this expensive game ...