What would be nice to have is an admin tool for the servers. I tried logging into Rcon and it disconnected me right away. Have had 3 hackers on the server.
Also a Crysis 2 Server patch was just released an hour and a half ago. There is one issue that has not been fixed that needs to be addressed and thats the Orbital strike lag. I will post my Support ticket to Hypernia and their response that came in within 5 min later.
My support ticket:
All the players in the server for the last 2 days have reported major lag on the server when someone uses an Orbital strike. This lag lasts in the order of 30 seconds. I have a few ideas as to why but I would like to see what you come up with. I have also experienced this and it happens during or right after an orbital strike AKA the Big laser from the sky. Although you yourself can still mover you may be unable to fire your weapon and everyone else will be frozen still to you but on their screen they are able to move same as you are but you are frozen. Wondering what you can find that could cause this. My theory is not enough bandwidth being allowed to the server in either upload or download or both. Your servers weren't used much during the demo so you couldn't accurately guess the resources needed.
On a side not do you think you could clean out the server log section of the Control center. Its a bit cluttered.
Hypernias Response:
Bandwidth and resources are not a issue. We do not cap or restrict.
Also the servers were just patched about a hour ago and thye full changelog was not posted to us. This may or may not address your issues.
I have dumped your log files as requested.
I am posting these for Crytek to see because it has good information about the issue. Please take note to fix this issue Crytek and I trust you will. BTW this happens constantly after 1 or 2 orbitals have been used on the server.
The servers dont display player count until a round has been started. I suggest you check the server info tab in the browser to check population.