If you look at the history of certain FPS games and when they were developed such as Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike Source, Halo, & Modern Warfare... Inside the multiplayer aspect of each of those games they have extreme longevity in their game play.. To this day there are still hundreds of thousands of player in all games listed. It makes sense to try and incorporate these different yet similar types of game play into a single mode for an experience that delivers a satisfying sense of familiarity. I'm telling you Crytek, it could be one of the best additions to Crysis 2 yet to come!
My name is Tyler I am currently attending Devry University for a degree in Computer Science. I hope to be a part of a team like Crytek one day and create master pieces with cool people!!! I have been a hardcoe FPS PC gamer for over 12 years, both leisure and cumulatively... I hope you take my idea seriously. There could be a huge benefit from its ripple effect, now and in Cryteks future!!! Please, who ever reads this try to see what you can do!! See how far up the ladder this idea can go... I would be happy to be involved with its creation!