Crytek you failed us !!

Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:29 am

hello , please respond to this message ...i want answers please
me and all crysis 1 and crysis wars fans feel bad about what crytek did to crysis game failed us so bad ...we never expect this ...crysis 2 has nothing to do with the previous verison and honestly i regret buying crysis 2 ..i bought crysis 1 and wars long time ago and i was waiting and exciting a lot about it but shame failed us ...seriously I met about 17 players and now they are friends from crysis 1 and wars ..we all waiting crysis 2 but only 3 bought it after trying demo and the 3 of us were regreting buying it after all ...because its boring game ,, we all are mad on crytek really and we will never buy another upcomming crysis games was a total failure ... crysis 1 and wars were special games a unique games we love it and we still but your wanted to create a game look like call of duty ...if we want a cod type game we would buy cod ...but we have cod type of games ..and you failed us to create the same type everything ...small map ...ranked .. removed a lot of suit modes ...aiming is bad ..AI is bad play itself is very bad just killed a very special unique games that we all expected to see for long time ...but its over ...I already removed the game and throw it in garabage ...its boring and made me mad ..because i waited it for long time ...I realy want responds why you did that ...noone asked u to change the whole game
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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:57 pm

They should have just called the game "****" , it would have fitted it better.
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..xX Vin Xx..
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:37 pm

Im confused... your talking about Crysis 2?

Lets see, Crysis 2 explains the story perfectly....the story is waaay better than the Crysis 1 story but it still continues in Crysis 2 ...just you have a new suit with new capabilities....and you solo a lot more..

Only things that annoy me about Crysis 2 are that its a blatant console port... you can tell right away...
Multiplayer has problems....even though its fun
And the aliens are the same ones but for some reason they insisted on changing their colors ...without explaining the reason why their colors weren't the same...
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:23 am

I am talking about the game play itself ...and the multiplayer ...its boring another version of call of duty with better graphics thats all ...they focused on xbox and ps3 ..and **** pc up ...this game should be for pc users ..we loved it ...but crysis 2 is crap ..boring , i remeber i were playing crysis wars over 10 hours per day ...crysis 2 i get bored after 1 hour ..not my opinion only ...all my friends agreed ....
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:29 pm

This (gaym) is crud beyond belief, story is good but WHAT do they want a **** oscar, Really they must be deluded to think that we would accept this trash (GET REAL CRYTEK) I am very thankful you and the team put more than blood sweat and tears into this game BUT to what end, Really you have really forgotten WHO your fan base really was and copped out big time you fools this WAS my last straw with your team.Thanks again for the game but your PR team **** IT UP ROYALLY. If you make a game always FINISH IT =$

Diese (gaym) jenseits des Glaubens ist crud ist Geschichte gut, aber was sie wollen ein **** oscar, Really sie verblendet muss zu denken, dass wir diesen Müll annehmen (GET REAL CRYTEK) Ich bin sehr dankbar, dass Sie und das Team mehr stellen als sein Blut Schwei? und Tr?nen in dieses Spiel, aber zu welchem ??Zweck, Sie haben wirklich wirklich vergessen, wer Ihre Fangemeinde wirklich war und erwischt die gro?e Zeit ihr Narren Das war mein letzter Strohhalm mit Ihrem team.Thanks wieder für das Spiel, aber Ihr PR-Team **** IT UP K?nigl. Wenn Sie ein Spiel immer Finish It
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Harry Leon
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:07 am

Crytek left us with a massive cliffhanger in Crysis that was supposed to set the stage for the sequel. Unfortunately, between now and then, Crytek decided that consoles would be the primary platform for Crysis 2, and to that end they crudely aborted their original story and re-wrote the series into a setting that consoles are capable of rendering. The open-world jungles of the Lingshan Island were discarded for the narrow city streets of a post apocalyptic NYC; and the biggest kick in the balls to those of us who have loved Crysis for 3 and a half years is that this wasn't done for any artistic reason. It wasn't done for the benefit of the narrative. It wasn't done with -any- thought to the cliffhanger ending that we've been waiting 3 and a half **** years to see resolved. It was done so that the game could be pared down and simplified for consoles.

Thanks, Crytek. Way to look out for your fanbase.
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:53 pm

i think i know whats going on here,its like when you sell movie rights to a book you get big money but loose all rights on content of that movie.
so Hollywood changes things to please the greater audience(more revenue).and you have no say because you have sold out.(crytec)
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An Lor
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:00 pm

crytek killed the game forever
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Shannon Lockwood
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