Lose Experience after leaving Crysis 2??

Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:26 pm


I've some problems with my Crysis 2.
A few hours ago I played Crysis 2 Online and reached to level 6. After it I go offline and when i started the game again I was Level 5 again ...
I didn't take it serious, but now I reached Level 9 and after I went online again, a five minutes ago, I was Level 8 -.-
Is that a bug and how avoid it?

PS: Sorry for my bad english, I'm german.
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:00 pm

hast du keine verbindungsprobleme?

Ich kann nicht l?nger als 5min auf einem server bleiben,werde immer gekicked.
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RObert loVes MOmmy
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:26 am

Nein ... ich wurde bisher nie gekickt. Ich warte auch immer bis die Runde vorbei ist und geh dann erst raus. Dann steht da auch immer sowas mit Profil wird aktualisiert oder so ... Aber trotzdem hab ich 4k EP verloren, als ich das letzte Mal off gegangen bin -.-
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:38 am

does anyone have an idea or the same problem??
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Kristina Campbell
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:30 am

you probably played on custom unranked servers. They are the only ones working now, but the dont record stats. So the game might say you reached level 6, level 7 etc, while you play on that server or until you quit the game, but once you restart it, and it checks your online rnaked profile you are back to level 5, because you never left level 5 in the beginning.
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:55 pm

that means that I mustn't play on custom servers or what??
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:27 pm

Have the same problem. I've made sure to only play on ranked servers, so it's definitively a game bug / problem of some sort. In total I've lost somewhere around 7k-10k XP. Got promoted to rank 8 two times, and just now I got my fourth rank 10 promotion. Several times I can see my 2nd custom class, but it'll be locked.

It fun playing, but I lose ALOT of motivation losing those hard earned ranks and killstreak awards.
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:00 pm

I've had the same problem on ranked matches. Hell I didn't even leave the game and I lost my rank 4 times. I was level 11 and kept ranking up, I would get my upgrade, player another round and then go back to the level. I always do that because if my game crashes which it has crashed a lot for some stupid reason I'll completely lose all that work. But I lost it anyways. This happened 4 friggin times. I'm only level 13 and by now I should be level 16-17. This time I went back to the menu purchased my new weapon, went into the SP menu, and then back into the MP menu. So far it has stuck but I'll check right now to verify.

EDIT: Nope I just lost half of my 13th rank.

So it seems you have to get your new rank to atleast half way through before you quit. So you don't lose it. The buggy part about it is I have my grendel still. So if I decide to switch back to scar I'm gonna lose it. This game is really beginning to irritate me.

So guys when you advance in rank. Don't quit out. Play at least one or two more rounds depending on how good you are to advance your rank to half way or a bit further. Otherwise as soon as you quit you will lose it.
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Tom Flanagan
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:28 am

The nanos gathered from alien bodies does exactly the same thing.
You save up to bye suit perks and when you restart the game they have diminished.
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Jade Muggeridge
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:44 am

The nanos gathered from alien bodies does exactly the same thing.
You save up to bye suit perks and when you restart the game they have diminished.

second, i haven't seen this bug posted on the forums, this is one of the main ones bothering me,
and in response to xpraetorianx, getting it past half way doesnt help me, I STILL lose my earned XP and rank.

third, does anybody know if aliens are only supposed to drop biotech when YOU do the majority of damage to them? half the time , even when im pretty sure im the one who killed them, they dont drop anything or least i can't pick it up when i walk over them, (also do the biotechs have an animation one can see before picking up or what?)
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