So I loved Crysis and Crysis Warhead. When I heard about Crysis 2 I was all about it. Then I got to play it and I'm left asking WTF?! The only association between Crysis 2 and its predecessors is the name of the game, one character who kills himself 30 seconds into the game and a nano suit. Major events at the end of the first two games include the destruction of a North Korean division, the sinking of most of a US carrier battle group, nuclear weapon usage and the beginning of an alien invasion. All of that gets zero mention, you would think that all of that would at least get recapped. Who was responsible for writing the story for Cry2 anyway? I mean really, PMC's in control of New York city and enforcing martial law? Really? The USMC having to sneak recon marines into a quarantine zone without NBC gear? The nano suit somehow protection the voiceless protagonist from the plague when it clearly failed to do the same to the original owner. Also a voiceless protagonist svcks btw, Nomad and Psycho had voices, it at least gave them some personality and a little depth. Tactical "options" that usually consist of either A or B. How about some ACTUAL graphics settings. How about editable INIs to tweak the difficulty however you want. How about a game that actually DESERVES to be a freaking sequel. Also before anyone points out the obvious, yes I know that all of this was cut because of consoles, yes i realize that the console kiddies didnt get to play Cry1 and CryWH. I don't care.