Most people who claim crysis 1 looks better than crysis 2 are using high-res texture mods , TOD mods, modded shaders, modded particles and ultra high graphic configs for C1......
Nope. Vanilla Crysis (maxed out) looks better than Crysis 2. Fact.
You're right but our configs and tweaks and mods made it even better lol. Still you have a valid point. I still think Crysis 2 graphics are amazing because it's coded differently and it's Cryengine 3. Crysis 1 had a different engine at that time and it was in 2007.
However in Crysis 2 we have a config to change the way it feels, i can disable bloom or hdr settings yet maybe lower it to even it out and my god.. it feels like a PC game now

For now. Cuz it's dx9 pbbth