4870x2 users help please

Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:01 am

8gb ram
Ati 11.4 preview drivers
11.2 CAP4 profiles

OK I got crysis 2. And I have the same flickering issue as everyone so I have tried renaming the game to various different exes and used radeonpro yes it does remove the flickering. But I have another problem with my crossfire for some reason.

Example if I rename the exe to lets say bioshock and launch it I get like really good frames outdoor ranging between 42-60 fps. But get this if I close the game and restart it again my frames drop to lets say between 20-40fps. So I have to rename this to different exes. And this keeps happening its like if croosfire decides to turn on sometimes and sometimes it just doesnt work. I have also tried crysis2.exe the frames on that are crap anyway even with the latest app profiles.

So can someone shed some light on this please?

Btw all my other games work fine with crossfire with these drivers so its just crysis 2 that has a problem?

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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:27 am

crysis has dual gpu problems right now. search the forums, i think someone has found a fix for xfire.
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Ownie Zuliana
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:00 am

crysis also dont support sli crossfire if im right atm

for sli users you can download the latest beta drivers that support the crysis beta sli support, and you can then get the newest sli profiles with crysis 2 setting, and then sli works good, about ati and such i dont know, but i dont think crossfire works atm tho.
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:55 pm

I know theres a fix and it works yes like renaming the exe to bioshock but as I sed it only seems to work once and when I close the game and relaunch it the fps gets cut in half for some odd reason. Really weird!
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