i don't know when it happened that i collected it, but suddenly i had 3 guns (a sniper and two assault rifles).
as you can see on the screenshot the DSG-1 has a currently loaded mag (6 shots) which i can use, but -12 ammo in stock. as soon as i shot that 6 bullets the gun showed 000/-12 ammo and was unuseable.
i could not collect any ammo for it. when i exchanged that gun for another the sniper was not falling down, it just vanished. every time i tried to pick up a dsg-1 from this point it again had 6/-12 ammo.
this lasted a long time until i got stripped of my guns during storyline.
now today, right after a cutscene i had a x-43 and a k-volt. in front of me on an ammo crate with a demo grendel. at this point it happened two times that i took the grendel and got 3 guns. had to let them kill me to get rid of it..
ps. also my bugs dying/reloading -> stupid melee/stealth kill bug all the time, ai bugs (dumb enemies, ones seeing me through walls or going my direction while cloaked no matter where i 've gone to hide, frozen ones or stuck to each other..), script errors like the humvee in one of the first missions that does not start (and does not trigger the patrolling other guards) but sees me from inside where i cant kill him, and i lost 14k of nano catalysts - now stuck at zero *jippee*. not to mention all the MP bugs...
pps. glad being beta tester for this game.