An open letter to Crytek.

Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:34 pm

While I agree to a point with the original post I think it would be more constructive and informative to see a comparison between what we as a community were promised before Crysis 2 was released vs. what we actually got. I think that would be a more telling and critical way to get the point across that the company hasn't delivered (or perhaps has, I remain unbias as best I can). Either way it would be an interesting comparison.
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Symone Velez
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:47 am

That's the really weird bit. I had no issues at all with the demo. I could always find a server to join, connect and play the game.

Now half the time I join a lobby, it counts down to 0 and stays there ad infinitum until everybody leaves. The other half it doesn't connect at all. I'll even see other people in the lobby chat complaining about the exact same thing.

I might be willing to accept that this is largely a load issue. I could understand that now we're at peak load from the game just coming out that certain issues are showing up now that wouldn't happen at the lower loads during the demo. However it is still indicative of not having done sufficient testing.

What we have here is a very expensive 3D chat client ;)
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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:26 am

My own letter to Crytek/EA:

Dear EA and Crytek,
Please fix your broken multiplayer. There's nothing else to say. A vast majority of servers do not work, the limited edition content is missing, and there's issues all over the place. Please read the complaints that's piling up on the gamesas forums. Furthermore there's glitches in the single player, such as melee (v) randomly stopping to work.

This is ridiculous and simply unacceptable. You cannot justify releasing a broken product by making the consumers wait until you fix them. If this does not get resolved, I will no longer be a EA/Crytek customer.

Thank you.
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Veronica Flores
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:27 pm

I think your a whiney bich who has to much time on her hands....

calm down, this guy obviously cares about the condition of the game.

I agree man its ridiculous but Crytek is never going to see this, they know theyre gonna make more money this way and sadly thats how the world works.

What do you mean "calm down" $60 times X amount of people who bought this POS game is class action lawsuit waiting to happen.

As for "how this world works", well you can sue anyone now a days but at least back in the day the law would protect you from bait and switch at a car dealership, promise one thing and deliver another. I'm no legal expert but this could be the case for Crysis 2. At least you could get your money back if you were bamboozled at a car lot.

And when you say that's "how the world works" then you my friend need to look up the meaning of liberty in fact I have it here
Liberty - is a concept in political philosophy that identifies the condition in which human beings are able to govern themselves, to behave according to their own free will, and take responsibility for their actions.


So far there is no legal president for a game company to take "responsibility for their actions" but this game may make some developers consider this before releasing games because this may just go to court if they don't deliver on their promises.

And I thought that Dragon age 2 was bad, Crysis 2 is worse.

I give this game a 1 out of 10 because of:
-Graphics, sorry DX9 doesn't cut it for me anymore this is 2011 not 2001
-Audio, nothing is in surround its all mono with a stereo overlay (I do audio encoding I know this trick, it works well with you tube but not games)
-AI, ah if you haven't noticed they are all supermen and have xray vision, super sight and, remarkable hearing, seriously the silencer does nothing 10 feet or 100 feet away. Oh yeah and they can see you behind cover on roof tops.
-Interface, console port not a PC game like Crysis 1, need I say more?
-Bugs, there are less bugs in a 50 gallon barrel full of bugs (have you tried putting in your serial code? nuff said) I could spend all day listing the bugs I see, I have mentioned a few. But I don't need to spend more typing than what it took for me to file my taxes from last year, so I won't.
-Bugs online. Well lets just say that the online play is 10X worse than the SP mode.

Over all this game is not worth $60 for this release, in 18 months it might be but by then only console gaming stores will keep the prices high for this game. If your reading this for a first time, DO NOT BUY THIS GAME NEW YET. Wait until Crytek at least try's to acknowledge our complaints, then wait at least another 6 months for them to fix them. This could be at least a year from now or until the next full solar eclipse.

Either way I stress DO NOT BUY THIS GAME NEW YET!!!
$60 isn't worth a flawed game such as this. Maybe $30, more like $20.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:02 am

See, you can't even reply to an argument without resorting to an insult. The "open letter" is just angsty rubbish for which there was no need, do you think they'll treat your open letter seriously if all you're going to do is berate them?

It's not an insult when its true. Greed and pushy developers is what made this game the pile of junk it is. And if you disagree with their letter then you are nothing but an apologist for greed and vipers. Everyone is detached now a days they don't care for what they do to others. Companies only want profit and don't care who they knock down in the process. There were ideals that this company had and it is explained very well in the letter that they have truly fallen from grace. This is as bad as a barman watering down the drinks so they can make more money. You wouldn't stand for it if you had some reasonable expectation of quality. And if Crytek doesn't get their house in order with the PC version then I guarantee that hackers will and you will see Crytek go the way of Atari and, no one will know them until they are bought and sold 30 times and actually make something decent again.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:26 am

You pretty much covered everything except for the lack of multi-gpu support.
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:51 pm

Funny how everyone thinks that they are the perfect representative for the do know we have a forum here and people at crytek are intelligent and can read them. I don't need some guy with too much time on his hands and serious anger issues telling Crytek what I want, they already know. Oh and by the way, people who have like 800+ posts in 2 months and start a gripe fest thread every 30 minutes aren't representative of the community either, they are just more voiceful and have too much time on their hands (that was not directed at OP just something I noticed about alot of the hate threads and their authors/main contributors)

This might be true if you cared to voice your concerns about the game. I paid good money and expect a good game. This company had a great reputation and now its in the septic tank.
EA is sinking these companies fast.
I have paid for Dragon Age 2 and Crysis 2 and neither are good enough to be called a sequel with those names in the title, they just don't match to the same quality. And no one has addressed either of these concerns. They keep their mouths shut and the lawyers on the phone to yell out "slander" if someone doesn't agree with their point of view.

So don't harp on people who have a voice too. We all have right to speak. So don't claim that you are the sol voice out there.
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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:13 am

I think your a whiney bich who has to much time on her hands....

calm down, this guy obviously cares about the condition of the game.

I agree man its ridiculous but Crytek is never going to see this, they know theyre gonna make more money this way and sadly thats how the world works.

He doesn't care about the game. If he did, then his complaints would be constructive and not abusive. OP is just looking for attention because he's ignored in real life because he clearly lacks communication and social skills.

Borss do you have a single post that isn't berating another person on a personal level
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remi lasisi
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:24 am

If there's one thing we can take from all of this, it's that PC Gamers are rude, obnoxious, self important assholes.

Yes... Blame the gamers. It's the gamers fault a billion dollar company decided to half ass the PC version of a game and take thousands of peoples 60 dollar payments even though they knew the PC version was in no state to be released.

There is a reason why Assassins Creed PC version always comes out months after the console version. Because porting a game from a console to a PC can't be done overnight or in a small patch. They knew the game wasn't optimized for PC which is why they took the PC demo down after a few days. The console demo stayed up all the way until launch. They didn't want people seeing this steamer prior to dropping their 60 dollars.

Continue to be the watchdog for the company though. I know you benefit a lot from the arrangement. LOL? The multiplayer community is already non existent for this fail fest so I guess it's just time to play Bad Company 2 Vietnam until BF3 comes out.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:18 am

please stop being a troll Borss.

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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:30 am

Oh and by the way... Next time don't ask for opinions if you can't take the truth. And the MP works fine for me. Take some personal responsibility and maintain your network.

Wow this is simply ignorant. Did crytek pay you to defend them? There are honestly thousands of players having issues with MP and your answer is "take some personal responsibility and maintain your network." Really?! On one post you'll claim we all blow our money on thousands of dollars into computer parts and you think we can't maintain a freaking router!?! So thousands of players that happily play other games are now stunned into stupidity by the awesomeness of crysis 2 that they can't even maintain their own internet connection? You sir are impressive, impressively stupid.
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:32 pm

Save your **** judgement until they actually release everything they said they will. **** idiot.
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CRuzIta LUVz grlz
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:19 pm

Hephay .. Despite all that .. I still LIKE the game .. And can ofc, only get better ..
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:24 pm

Save your **** judgement until they actually release everything they said they will. **** idiot.

That's the problem they haven't said that they will. They're dead silent. If they'd issue a freaking statement owning up to the current state of the PC version and saying if they have a plan and what it may be cooler heads may prevail. But they haven't. They made 2 yrs of promises that they didn't fulfill and now refuse to acknowledge they even existed. That's the root of this frustration.
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:02 pm

If there's one thing we can take from all of this, it's that PC Gamers are rude, obnoxious, self important assholes.

Careful with your quotes there, I didn't say that.
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:45 pm

I wonder if the GSPs have to pay for the right to host this game and not letting people have the files is just a way of making a cheap buck?
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:28 am

for a Dx9 game it looks awesome. Away better than Crysis 1 in the graphic views. Now some guys are angry that they bought those expensive video cards with dx11, which also Nvidia was advertising that crysis is dx11 game. So I guess for that they are angry. And All the Sli guys. But the Game works perfect now lag no nothing wrong with the game in the Single Player.

The MP player is another thing which I already pointed the weakness.

But This game looks very solid in the Single Player and from Graphic Options. It is maybe the game with the most complicated and beautiful environment . The aliens are great and how they move are the best aliens created in game.
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Jack Moves
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:25 pm

Funny how everyone thinks that they are the perfect representative for the do know we have a forum here and people at crytek are intelligent and can read them. I don't need some guy with too much time on his hands and serious anger issues telling Crytek what I want, they already know. Oh and by the way, people who have like 800+ posts in 2 months and start a gripe fest thread every 30 minutes aren't representative of the community either, they are just more voiceful and have too much time on their hands (that was not directed at OP just something I noticed about alot of the hate threads and their authors/main contributors)

This might be true if you cared to voice your concerns about the game. I paid good money and expect a good game. This company had a great reputation and now its in the septic tank.
EA is sinking these companies fast.
I have paid for Dragon Age 2 and Crysis 2 and neither are good enough to be called a sequel with those names in the title, they just don't match to the same quality. And no one has addressed either of these concerns. They keep their mouths shut and the lawyers on the phone to yell out "slander" if someone doesn't agree with their point of view.

So don't harp on people who have a voice too. We all have right to speak. So don't claim that you are the sol voice out there.

I have voiced my concerns about the game, I created a thread about problems with nano catalyst resetting and will bring up an issue right now about the sound going awol in Semper Fi. They are bugs yes, and will be sorted out, but I am not going to start a gripe fest about how this game is trash because of it. I also said that I don't need someone with too much time on their hands representing me. I didn't say someone couldn't voice their opinion, but when they make out like their opinion is everyone else's I take issue with that. Especially someone who only gripes about feature not being in the game at release that take nothing away from the games playability or graphics quality for 80%+ of the players. You are free to express your opinion as long as you don't make out like your expressing every PC gamers opinion at the same time. And I never said I was the only voice out there, what Hat are you pulling that one out of? I said Crytek are Intelligent and could read the forums and didn't need more sludge to cut through to find actual bugs, etc. There are plenty of constructive posts about bugs/issues/etc but threads about threat letters or lawsuits, etc. are not part of them.
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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:48 am

Funny how everyone thinks that they are the perfect representative for the do know we have a forum here and people at crytek are intelligent and can read them. I don't need some guy with too much time on his hands and serious anger issues telling Crytek what I want, they already know. Oh and by the way, people who have like 800+ posts in 2 months and start a gripe fest thread every 30 minutes aren't representative of the community either, they are just more voiceful and have too much time on their hands (that was not directed at OP just something I noticed about alot of the hate threads and their authors/main contributors)

This might be true if you cared to voice your concerns about the game. I paid good money and expect a good game. This company had a great reputation and now its in the septic tank.
EA is sinking these companies fast.
I have paid for Dragon Age 2 and Crysis 2 and neither are good enough to be called a sequel with those names in the title, they just don't match to the same quality. And no one has addressed either of these concerns. They keep their mouths shut and the lawyers on the phone to yell out "slander" if someone doesn't agree with their point of view.

So don't harp on people who have a voice too. We all have right to speak. So don't claim that you are the sol voice out there.

I have voiced my concerns about the game, I created a thread about problems with nano catalyst resetting and will bring up an issue right now about the sound going awol in Semper Fi. They are bugs yes, and will be sorted out, but I am not going to start a gripe fest about how this game is trash because of it. I also said that I don't need someone with too much time on their hands representing me. I didn't say someone couldn't voice their opinion, but when they make out like their opinion is everyone else's I take issue with that. Especially someone who only gripes about feature not being in the game at release that take nothing away from the games playability or graphics quality for 80%+ of the players. You are free to express your opinion as long as you don't make out like your expressing every PC gamers opinion at the same time. And I never said I was the only voice out there, what Hat are you pulling that one out of? I said Crytek are Intelligent and could read the forums and didn't need more sludge to cut through to find actual bugs, etc. There are plenty of constructive posts about bugs/issues/etc but threads about threat letters or lawsuits, etc. are not part of them.

The reason why 80% gripe about features not being in it is because they said it would be in the game when its released originally. Not until after they realized that its just a daunting task to give what they promised, they said it would be available in a patch. I'm sorry but that's like a car from a advertisemant and when you go to pick it up its doesn't have doors, windows and a shell and, the sales man saying "hey you can still drive it home and, we'll get you those things when we the bugs worked out of them". This made be a crude example but its accurate. You don't say one thing and do another. EVERY PC game developer is doing this and it sickens me.

The Quality and Graphics are ****. This is 2011 not 2001 (when dx9 came out) Crysis set the bar so high in 2007 now it's "how low can you go" and still get people to pay for it. The game does look good but not like they made the videos looks. DO YOU NOT FIND THAT TROUBLING? Is there no longer consequences for lying or for the legal president called "Bait and switch"?

"Oh and by the way, people who have like 800+ posts in 2 months and start a gripe fest thread every 30 minutes aren't representative of the community either, they are just more voiceful and have too much time on their hands"
That is what I refer to about you being
"So don't harp on people who have a voice too. We all have right to speak. So don't claim that you are the sol voice out there."

By denouncing other you made it sound like you claimed to be the "true voice" for the community, or the one with the most experience. We all have problems and Crytek needs to see all of them even if it griping.
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Allison C
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:52 am

This thread is a load of ****. Who do you think you are, bad mouthing a whole studio of guys who've put tens of months of work into this game?

Crysis 2 is an achievement. The game looks amazing - and it runs better than Crysis did. It runs better, on my same videocards, as a 5 year old game does. It's better designed, it's better written, it's in a better setting.

I still have my problems with it, sure. I can barely play MP 'cause of network issues, but I trust that they'll fix those when they can.

Out of all those gripes you listed, the only one that matters at all is the lack of modding tools... and then, only to a percentage of people. Yeah, they're gonna release map packs. Welcome to the new face of multiplayer gaming. Just because you own a PC, doesn't make you special.

Hold out your support if you want - and yeah, petition them to add features if you feel that strongly about it.

But to come out and badmouth a whole group of people, and all that they've worked for? To use language like you did? That's ****ing rude man. It's you who should be ashamed.
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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:31 am

I think your a whiney bich who has to much time on her hands....
I think your right...

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Devils Cheek
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:18 am

I agree with the op.
This is just another Console-portation.
And a bad one too.
If you weigh the good points and then the Bugs/flaws etc. ... you have to say,
that this promising game is just full of disappointments.

The Hitdetection is as bad as in BF2.
The Stat-Resets are even worse than in the BO-release. And BO was just bullcrap
on releaseday. Not working cd-keys or issues, DX9 support only (wtf?)

This is no Pc-Game ... it's just an portation, a bad one.

And the worst thing is, that no one from their team even makes a statement to this ****.
Why are WE testing this Beta/Alphaversion? Why do we have to pay friggin 60$ for that.
They should pay us for testing this bs ... Ea didn't want to pay for official tests.

Just my opinion
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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:28 am

Since when did it start being perfectly acceptable to pay full price for a product that is not 100%?
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