The whole problem started when I first signed up on to play the Multiplayer demo; I signed up with the nickname "RiGoRmOrTiS"; however for the full duration of the multiplayer demo I could only sign-in to the website; it wouldn't allow me to sign-in to the game. Lots of other people had the issues and posted but Crytek ignored them... (and then acted suprised at retail.. explain that one)
Now that I have the retail version I'm still having the same problem. So I tried signing up within the game (Rather than the website). This time I used the SAME email address, but changed the nickname to RiGoRmOrTiS_UK; this allowed me to login from within the game; so now I've got two different nicknames on one e-mail address. Didn't think this was possible but hey-ho; it works.
So I decided to go back to the gamesas website and see what happens when I login with my e-mail address. It still goes to my old "RiGoRmOrTiS" nickname. Even though I've now got two nicknames registered to one e-mail address.
Then I thought; I wonder what happens if I delete my account; so I did. Now I can't login with my e-mail address or RiGoRmOrTiS. However I can still login if I put RiGoRmOrTiS_UK as the nickname. However it randomly swaps between RiGoRmOrTiS and RiGoRmOrTiS_UK depending on which page I'm on and if I use my e-mail address as the username to login it fails.
God knows what’s going on; seriously I think a college intern designed and implemented their database.....