I thought about buying crysis 2 for the PC but i got it for the 360, probably a bad decision. But I wasnt quite for sure how my CPU would handle Crysis 2. I have
core 2 6750(2.6mhz) Overclocked to 3.0 6 gigs of 6400DDR2 800mhz ram 8800GT alpha dog edition super clocked 320 hard drive
What settings do you have yours on and does the game still look good? Or how high could i run crysis 2 on these specs.
ur graphics card sux , get a new one and u should be okay
Lol? No way. I'm running this on Very High on my GT 240 (basically a 9600GT level card) on 1440 x 900 with 4xAA from nVidia control panel (making it just as good as Extreme but without the Blur) at well over 30 FPS. His graphics card is FINE.
well i am running similar pc to your playing at 1920x1080 full hd and getting more than 35+ fps stable but after patch game started to crashing odd ! http://www.xfire.com/profile/hakerx80/