8800gts 320mo can really run it?

Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:00 am

Hello, i know i have a quite old machine,,,first of all here's my configuration.

windows xp3
intel core 2 duo e6600 at 2.40ghz
2giga ram
nvidia 8800gts 320mo (With latest driver)
mother board: P5N-E-sli

Yesterday, so i still install the game an say to myself this could be run anyway with lowest settings,,I saw the minimum requirement ask for a 8800 @ 512mo,,,So I arrive to play like 15minutes, then my computer jus turn off by himself.
When i try restart, my hard drive where i have the OS installed was no more reconize an got the unfamous blue screen.. (i have 2 partitions in my hard drive; 1 of 30go (C:) for OS and installation prog and 1 of 130go (D:) for the rest; crysis was install in the big partition). unable to restart even in safe mode...^^
I had to format and reinstall my OS on (C:) and now i'm a likle bit afraid to rune the game again...

Do you think i can still run this game?

I saw there's a patch for making advanced settings,,,could this help me to set up everything to low?

Give thanx in advance for your help and advice..
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Marquis deVille
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:22 pm

Look at my profile...
My PC runs the game on descent 30-40 FPS on medium settings with 1680 by 1050.
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:47 pm

Yeah but your GC is cadenced @ 512mb,,an u have 6giga ram,,u still have a better settings,,,

I afraid to get this bomboclat blue screen again an mash up my computer...
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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:12 pm

UP UP UP....

Anyone have a similar configuration than mine and can run the game no problem?
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:28 am

Have you overclocked anything in your system?
If so, try defaulting them, and try again playing Crysis 2 on the lowest graphics settings (which is "High") and a resolution which isn't your maximum resolution.

I don't think you have enough RAM or VRAM though, it wouldn't be as big of a deal if you had 512MB of VRAM, but only 320MB, you're putting pressure on it and I don't think Windows XP has that "Graphics Card Memory Sharing" thing which grants your graphics card to use some of the system memory. If you had Windows Vista or 7 however, it has that sharing feature built in and you would probably be able to play it just fine, although, by upgrading to Vista or 7, you would need a little more system memory anyways.
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Chantel Hopkin
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:30 pm

Seen Chronic,, thx fe your reply,

No i never overclocked my system,, I will try again with this famous "advanced settings" patch,,,and try put every thing to low...

But still me asking what is the relation between the crash i had the 1st time, crysis 2, and the blue screen issue,, My hard drive where XP is installed was no more reconized,,I had to format and reinstall my OS,,,

Anybody know what is the cause fe that?
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Matt Gammond
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:52 am

Probably having to turn off/restart the computer suddenly when you got the blue screen of death that damaged your hard drive and would force you to format it and re-install.

But I think if you just try and play it on the lowest possible settings, and then work your way up with the settings. (depending if your computer can handle it) I myself had odd blue screen of death's while playing Crysis 2, but I fixed it by defaulting my CPU clockspeed, because I had it slightly overclocked, and somehow my computer wasn't doing so well with it overclocked.
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