So what do YOU think of Crysis 2 MP?

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:00 pm

They need to fix 2 problems. First problem is that everybody (people who didn't bought the game) can play multiplayer as we do and they play in the original servers. That means that we are playing together which didn't bought this game. They NEED to fix the problem as quick as they can. Secondly there's also ping problem. The servers that have under 100 ping; they are all empty and when I check servers which has players; they have over 200 ping.

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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:22 pm

It's flawless!

No hackers, no connection issues, stable servers hats off CryTek. ^^
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Jennifer Rose
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:54 pm

I like the mutliplayer so far, but i hope the server problem gets fixed soon. And i hear people moaing about cracked games being able to play multiplayer as well, no idea if its true, but if it is, i hope that can be fixed in some way as well.

Anyway, i love to sneak around cloaked and kill people, never gets old to me :D
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:24 pm

Well I still cannot get into the damn MP cuz of the network connection crap. From the demo which I did play (with someone elses acc, cuz the damn thing wont let my own acc in) it was quite good.

Only MP complaint is to nerf the damn nano vision...
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Laura Hicks
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:40 am

Thanks for all the replies. It's nice to see you guys have honest opinions about Crysis2 MP.

I personally think once we get its fixes, this game will be solid. It has elements from Halo Reach, COD, and a few other online games. But, yet it still has it's own unique twist to it.
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His Bella
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:32 am

I really like the Assault gametype in the multiplayer, the other gametypes are commonplace for all fps multiplayers but they too are enjoyable. And knowing when and how to use your suit powers is a very valuable asset in multiplayer.
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Vickytoria Vasquez
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:49 am

1. Show my real ping

Why is it that i lose advantage to someone with 150+ ping when i have 60 (or so in game says)? On my screen the opponent is in front of me when im beating him down, but doesnt die. On kill cam it shows he was behind me the entire time? Advantage should go to the person with the lower ping. Thats how its always been.

2. Fix the kill cam

Whats with the kill cams not making any sense?

3. Fix bullet registration

Also probably a latency issue, but why is it that i can empty 40 bullets into a guy running straight at me (did not miss 1 shot), i cloak to go pick up his dog tag because i assume he should be dead by now, but hes not dead and kills me? But another time ill empty 5 bullets into someone and they die instantly or ill be running and die in 5 shots as well? Wheres the consistency?

4. Uncloak to Armor

Maybe its just me pressing FIRE too fast, but when im in cloak and decloak into maximum armor to shoot someone, about 25% of the time my maximum armor doesnt reg so i just get wrecked.

edit: C2 is a mix of COD & Halo. It really is nothing like CS/Source

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:58 am

Title says it all. Please put the **** of the online play aside, such as serial already in use, etc. Just evaluate the ACTUAL gameplay in Crysis 2 Multiplayer.

Few questions to consider:

1) Isn't it a lot like Call of Duty? But then again, all games are nowadays.
2) Have you found any glitches?
3) How long do you usually play Crysis2 MP?

I myself find it very similar to COD, but it's still very good for it is. Of course the SP is where it's at with this game, but this MP is just a great addition.

Please give your feedback. Be it whatever, post it here.

1) Not even close. I don't know why people are saying this. Is it that you have to hold to aim? Is it the modules? The killstreaks? Saying a game is a lot like Call of Duty is just ridiculous -_-" It's more appropriate to say it's more of a standard fps, but I still see Crysis 2 unique. The nanosuit for that matter, is the reason why. This is what makes the multiplayer so very unique and the weapons also differ from CoD. CoD is arcade like, but Crysis 2 is more of a play-how-you-want style, in terms of being the sneaky guy online with a sniper, or run and gun juggernaut with armor mode or something.

2) No
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The Time Car
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:49 am

Great game! Worth all the money, I'm just upset that I bought from EA STORE they have a lot of problems !!!!!
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luis ortiz
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:51 am

I for one have had no problems at all with this game. The fact that I play with an IZ3D monitor in s3d mean that I had a little tweaking to do was expected. PC gamers( real PC gamers) should expect to be above the curve in tweaking their settings. I can now play both the single player and MP with no problems in 3d with high settings at 1650X1050 no ghosting. I can only say that the Dev's must have realized that the PC community tends to tweak settings anyway and really didn't need to build in a graphics setting. Thanks to wasadi foe the excellent advanced graphics settings tool. For those who are complaining, learn to change what you don't like and then you don't have to complain about quality games when they release. I bought the game the first day and was enjoying fully functional stereo 3d gaming in under an hour without nvidia's costly glasses.
The Multiplayer is what will keep me playing this game for a long time. I played COH WAW for years, this game incorporates all that I loved about that game, but in my opinion will be as long lasting. As a bonus the 3d will make the multiplayer much more immersive. I do hope that they add more maps in the future as well as game types as COH did.
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