» Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:58 am
Title says it all. Please put the **** of the online play aside, such as serial already in use, etc. Just evaluate the ACTUAL gameplay in Crysis 2 Multiplayer.
Few questions to consider:
1) Isn't it a lot like Call of Duty? But then again, all games are nowadays.
2) Have you found any glitches?
3) How long do you usually play Crysis2 MP?
I myself find it very similar to COD, but it's still very good for it is. Of course the SP is where it's at with this game, but this MP is just a great addition.
Please give your feedback. Be it whatever, post it here.
1) Not even close. I don't know why people are saying this. Is it that you have to hold to aim? Is it the modules? The killstreaks? Saying a game is a lot like Call of Duty is just ridiculous -_-" It's more appropriate to say it's more of a standard fps, but I still see Crysis 2 unique. The nanosuit for that matter, is the reason why. This is what makes the multiplayer so very unique and the weapons also differ from CoD. CoD is arcade like, but Crysis 2 is more of a play-how-you-want style, in terms of being the sneaky guy online with a sniper, or run and gun juggernaut with armor mode or something.
2) No