Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:14 am

Crysis 2 EADM 100% Download Stuck Problem Error SIMPLEST SOLUTION


Now on third attempt at download based on the input by other forum members i

allowed the download to continue beyond the limit set by EADM and i frequently

kept checking the file size of the "Crysis 2 Limited Edition" folder within

Electronic Arts folder which is within Program Files x86 on C:.

Surely enough there was a gap of 3 GB between the downloaded figures of

EADM and the folder in Explorer. So ignore the EADM figures, when it reaches

100% it is not 100% but less, so let it download and keep checking the folder

size every 15 minutes. When it reaches over 9.2 GB (in windows explorer not

EADM), then you are nearing completion.

Another important thing to do once the EADM download starts showing 100% is

to execute the Crysis 2 Patch(, if you do it any other time it will tell you to

redownload the game which sux. So if you run the patch when EADM is on 100%

then it works, the patch exe finds the crysis core exe and updates successfully.

Finally a few hours later your EADM Crysis 2 status will turn to Finalizing instead

of Downloading. That means you are near the end. Unfortunately for me the

status has again changed to 100% Downloading after i restarted EADM

(because it suddenly showed "this account has no games" which scared the ****

out of me, at least Crysis 1 was downloaded and playing. So anyway, what you

need to also know is that there are 4 files in the EA folder apart from the 3

folders of Crysis 2, Crysis 1 and EADM. Of these 4 files one file is the temporary

download file, it keeps downloading 1/4 MB files (250 KB) and then keeps saving

them to the required files in Crysis 2 folder (hence size keeps increasing). So if

you open the EA folder and keep looking at it, you will notice the file size of this

file keeps going from 250 to 0 KB and then back to 250, it is not an error, this file

is like a torrent packet. Anyway, im still not fixed, as it is again back to 100%

download, so this fix in a way is no fix but i still think it is educational enough to

read. Well, thank you for reading.
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Natalie Taylor
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