And my Crysis 2 problem (as well as quite few people around) is not being able to use online my account with Limited Edition code attached to it.
Was going to copy/pase my online chat convo log, but since there's to much to edit, I'll paste only last line from representative:
Kaine: The issue you are facing seems to be complicated. I'm forwarding your issue to our senior support they will contact you through email system. Your patience is highly appreciated.
Before that, he informed me that my Limited Edition code is in EA database as NOT USED, however I wasn't able to attach it to another account, because "Usage Limit has been reached". Not to mention the email with redemption confirmation that I've received few days ago.
He supplied me with 2 LE codes - non of which worked, because "Promotion code was not found".
So, all I have to say is: ****.
Anybody else tried to contact Crytek or EA support? What was yours outcome. Share please, maybe there is hope...