Crysis 2 Retrospect

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:33 pm

So, I've been playing the game a lot together with my clanmates. Some of you might have seen me(number 1 on wins), some of you probably not. I'm a long time Crysis gamer and I'll share some of my thoughts with y'all.

I played the demo intensely, and though riddled with bugs it was still tons of fun. The actual game is even more amazing, although it, too, has its flaws. The gameplay is profoundly entertaining and fair, and the engine runs perfectly.

With the servers now working properly, the biggest problems I have are tons of connection to host failed errors, ingame lagspikes and stats not necessarily saving. Squads not working for some people due to ''connection to host failed'' is pretty inconvenient. Squad invites usually have to be made twice for them even to show in the first place. There are tons more but small enough for me to ignore.

What I would like to see though is a messaging system between friends, and some way of getting a 'registered' clan to stop random people from trolling and using other peoples clan tags.
But the most major addon I'd like to see is a bigger gamemode like conquest or preferably Power Struggle. Also, the usual wants like bigger playerlimit, more maps and more guns. And more suit modules, ofcourse. Seriously, some of the most fun I've ever had is by playing Power Struggle. Just throw Mesa in to see how people would like it :P

The leaderboards: would be great if you'd remove the obvious hackers for a more true view of the boards.

Great game, keep up the good work. You are the best.

tl;dr Epic game but lots that could be done, duh
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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:22 pm

Oh also, there are severals guys using a hack that enables them to cloak indefinately and being able to shoot through the cloak without energy drain or anything.
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StunnaLiike FiiFii
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:20 am

yeah same clan, rank 2 on wins here, I also think that the faster we get bigger maps, the better. Crysis 1 was so awesome with big maps like Mesa, and pilotable vehicles. I really looked forewards to playing big maps here aswell, and was a bit dissapointed when I heard that there are only 8v8 maps currently. Othervise this game rocks! Best shooter I've ever played, and I've played a lot of them.
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Genocidal Cry
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:42 am

I really like the game as well, however there are just too many buggy things that happen during games; specifically the lag spikes that you mentioned and the hackers, to whom I am so fortunate to run into all the time.
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:01 am

The best way to deal with hackers is through superior skill, and even that isn't always enough.
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SUck MYdIck
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:11 pm

Some unfortunate flaws with the game currently as pointed out earlier here are the Ranks / Unlocks etc resetting, Failed to Connect to Host and some other minor things. The issue with the ranked servers not starting seems to have been fixed though, which is great.
I myself have wasted several hours ranking up the same levels I've achieved before, and since I tend to get disconnected once an hour (that's my internets fault) and I always have to back out of the game to try and save my current progress, and this is very, very frustrating, especially since I can't always dodge the DC / LoseAllRecentProgress combo. Hopefully this will get fixed soon.

Also, by now I and several other people have started encountering hackers in the ranked servers, and I doubt I need to say much about this issue. IP Ban the scumbags.

And the melee sometimes bugging up, not being performed even despite excessive key-mashing.

Also, WTB more Suppressed weapons :)
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