Cheating/Lag/Collision Detection???

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:25 pm

have been playing multiplayer for a few days now. Have seen tons of unfair and downright ridiculous conduct by other players/ servers/ what-have-you... the most ludicrous of all being a player(s) with an LMG, shooting and killing (one bullet at a time) every player on a team, without line of sight or any kind of sight for that matter... just spraying willy nilly - AGAIN, PER BULLET - and killing everyone... the last game I played, the GAME ENDING kill showed a player jump off of a rooftop and shoot AT another player (ADS), with every shot fired hitting the ground and STILL MAKING THE GAME WINNING KILL!! Crytek, you have **** up HARD with this multiplayer... there is no anti-cheat system that I can perceive and no server regulation either. A bunch of 3rd party server providers who, I speculate, are taking advantage of the fact that there is no solid anti-cheat system and selling advantage to players willing to pay for it... this is speculation but it would not surprise me in the least. And I expect, in the event that this is true, for Crytek to compensate (free DLC) me , and all other players affected for that matter, for all of the unfair conduct being allowed in the Crysis 2 PC multiplayer. BE RESPONSIBLE, Crytek!
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