Crysis and Crysis 2 : Story Connection

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:11 am

@cybernox: I fail to see why, just because Nomad was the hero of Crysis, and Psycho was the hero of Warhead, that means they should be the hero of Crysis 2. I fail to see why Alcatraz, who although was not in the first game is still a Marine, is an "ass clown." I fail to see why you think Prophet was worthless when we find out he was on a concealed mission for Hargreave (who already had some knowledge of the Ceph), and was trying to stay alive in what, something like the temperature of a tub of liquid nitrogen. It's fine that you're opinion is Nomad and Psycho should be in the game, but you have a rather unintelligible way of stating your opinion. It is perfectly reasonable to never have the player playing as the same character, or simply a different character, just as it is reasonable that Nomad and Psycho could be fighting in any other major city the world over.

First thing Prophet was never properly introduced in the game .. and no one really knows what he was. So, that video saying "They called my Prophet .. remember me" makes no impact on anyone. If the same line was said by Psycho ( he was shown to be an aggressive character) it would have been much better.

About Alcatraz I never said a word... I'm talking about Prophet only. And actually I was to say "A$$ clown" to Prophet.

And talking about different character you are talking about .. I've a point .. The sequel of a game is made on the base of the players in last game .. atleast they should've showed Nomad and psycho for 1 instant ... All the players are wondering where did Nomad + Psycho go. Thats what sequel is about.
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KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:16 am

In my opinion a better choice storywise for crysis 2 would've been if they would've just started where they left in Crysis 1.

Go to the island, have some heavy fighting to show of some of the cool new stuff and then somehow transfer the story and people to New York. My feelings at the end of Crysis 1 were:

"holy ****, they're going back to the island to kick some more alien ass. I want to see that and I want to know how the story continues. How many aliens get out. How will humanity react and so on."

Because of this Crysis 2 is pretty disappointing in regards of the story
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Farrah Lee
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:02 pm

I still fail to see why Nomad or Psycho matter just because it is a sequel... as a writer, here's my idea which can contribute to the longevity of your franchise: New York is one very small portion of the battle being waged, why not leave out some key characters so that you can have ample story opportunity to involve them in expansions or more sequels? Prophet, Psycho, and Nomad all went back to the Lingshan island and we don't know what happened in detail in the following years. Who's to say that Psycho and Nomad aren't fighting off Ceph in other areas of the world?

Also, I have to say the story itself from both games is a rather generic alien invasion kind of story, and at that level of fiction you can just about have an "anything goes" attitude toward the story.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:21 pm

@Aervalis: Thats right.
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Sarah Knight
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:27 pm

Wait, so the Ceph made it all the way down to Australia, presumably flying right over Japan, and no one caused a fuss about it until 3 years later when they attack New York? I think the news would have gotten out pretty quickly that theres an alien horde attacking earth.

You would think the entire planet would be on like, DEFCON Delta, every able bodied man would be enlisted while the women and children work in the factories mass producing nuclear grenade launchers, PAX guns and nano suits.

I think that would have been a pretty cool story intro, like it explains how after the Ceph attack, the free nations of earth united in a war effort against the pending Ceph invasion. Then all the world cities would be like fortresses so the aliens would attack from the ground like before, but not using a nano virus, just freezing everything.

No Cloverfield style decapitation of Lady Liberty.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:53 am

It would have been so badass if you still played as Nomad and the game started where they left off on the island, but then since the aliens were flying all over the world to centers of population you get dropped into New York and you would fight the giant four legged and blue flying squid ceph there, but they just had to go ruin the story for us fans of the first game.
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luis dejesus
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:15 am

Crysis/Crysis Warhead Ceph = 2,000,000 years old.

Crysis 2 Ceph = Present day.

You can notice that the Ceph and their structures in Crysis and Warhead have a resemblance to the alien structures that come out of the ground in Crysis 2, but not the actual Ceph infantry. There is a 2 million year technological gap in between the Ceph from outer space and the their structures on Earth.
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Harry Hearing
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:25 am

The Ceph that came out of the ground in Crysis 2 were from outer space? I thought they tunneled underground from one of their major hive centers, that's why those earthquakes were going on all over the Midwest. So did they crash land, then bury themselves under ground to tunnel to New York?

Also, that Ceph derelict was 2 million years old, but, that doesn't mean the Ceph living under the Lingshan mountain are also 2 million years old. cephalopoda are notoriously short lived, the largest Colossal Squid only live for about a year and a half and octopi only live for 2 or 3 years I think. So if the technology that went into that derelict Ceph ship is the same then the ones that flew out of the mountain/ice bubble, then I'm guessing that they're no longer technologically advancing, that or they're really slow at it. So it doesn't make much sense why the Ceph would be bipedal humanoids in Crysis 2 because hover craft are far more versatile then bipedal anthropomorphs.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:16 pm

If you got to the final level of the original Crysis, you would notice an alien, on the carrier, that Psycho brought in, thats the alien your talking about.

As for the connection with Crysis 2, well the ending pretty much cleard it up for me, I don't want to spoil so I wont tell you what happend near the end ;)

can you pm me the conection. The ending cut scene made no scene to me.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:44 pm

You all forgot 1 important thing: in C1 the Korean made their own nanosuit without help from Hargrieve and exploring American nanosuit. In C2 says that Hargrieve found pieces of nanostructure or smth else in Tunguska, and on the basis of these pieces he begin to create nanosuites, while Korean started their work from the very beginning. This suggests that Korean much more smarter Hargrieve and all his scientists ? Sorry about my english.
P.S. Maybe Korean made their nanosuits exploring debris of aliens in Lingshan, I don't know, but then it turns out that Korean made their suits much more faster, while Hargrieve has been working on his nanosuit for 50 and maybe more years.
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