Very good grenade throw-idea!

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:51 am

I think that switching to grenades by typing "G" and then throwing costs too much time.
You get instantly killed.
2 fixes would be nice here. ^^

1. I read somewhere in this forum that other players have the same problem.
Someone said: "Why not throw the grenade when "g" is tapped?"
Another guy answered: "That would eliminate ALL tactical options with grenades"

Fix: HOLD "G" !
When you hold the letter "G", the grenade will be equipped and when you release it, it will be thrown.
After the throw you will automaticly switch back to your previos weapon.

2. Realism.. (example) when you have a SCAR, switch to cloak, and exchange your SCAR with a DSG-1 the SCAR will be dropped. It falls on the ground under you (logical).
Grenades: They CANT be thrown while cloaked. You immediatly loose all energy and decloak just like you fired any other weapon without a silencer.
Its allmost the same like the SCAR, except you do not throw a SCAR xD

FIX 1: You CAN throw grenades while cloaked, but it drains 50% of your suit energy.
FIX 2: You CAN drop a grenade while cloaked, landing under you; this dont consumes any energy. (except the cloak)
FIX 3: You CAN throw grenades while cloaked, but only short ranged. (I think about 25% suit energy drain)
Personally i like fix 3. :D

What do you think about it?
Feel free to comment and give us your ideas please! :)


PS: sorry for my bad english, im still 15, and im still living in germany xD
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:51 am

English seems perfectly fine to me mate.

Personaly i've never had a problem with the grenades, but i've noticed others have, but i don't think throwing grenades while cloaked should be viable.
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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:17 am

Thanks :)
I think Crysis and Crytek.. the name stands for realism.
Graphics, Physics, AI... All allmost in every situation good.
Like said, i like fix 2, its kinda realistic to me.
But everyone has his own opinion hah :D
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