What happened to original C1 story?

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:38 am

My thoughts about crysis2
-no sequel to crysis1 (what happened to nomad, helena, that alien moutain structure and "we′re going back"?)
-no large open areas
-no quicksave
-no console
-no advanced graphics settings
-graphics is fine but compared to C1 its definitely downgrade :(

Well im not saying that this game svcks, its a good game BUT ITS DEFINITELY NOT CRYSIS. The story dont match, gameplay dont match..... no its not crysis. How about finishing the original story in cryengine 2 on the island, with nomad, helena psycho and prophet?
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claire ley
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:07 am

its all hit and miss. but the majority of it is pretty un explained.
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Stephani Silva
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:37 am

yea i understand why you would wanna do that, but Crytek is releasing this game for consoles as well ( I can't blame them, coz they will earn tons of cash this way), and so they needed to make the story such that you didn't need to know the C1 story to understand C2
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^~LIL B0NE5~^
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:57 am

Yea i fully understand that they needed to reset the story for consoles. Im ok with that. But C1 story is totaly unfinished. I think that great story of C1 deserves some kind of sequel and ending (afther that, crysis2 story begins). I just demand some kind of datadisc in cryengine2 (like warhead), which would explain afthermath of C1 (back to island, convoy from japan, prophet in sphere etc...). Crytek, please finish the original story :(
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:17 pm

where nomad ? :(
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m Gardner
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:25 am

where nomad ? :(

he'll come in crysis 2 warhead :P
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:09 am

Where's Psycho!? That's a question.
Nomad wasn't really interesting character (Alcatraz is far worse in that matter, but well...) while Psycho... was a pinnacle of Crytek games character development.... and they wiped him out just like that.
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Alexandra walker
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:20 am

Ok guys this is a spoiler but remember in Crysis 2 you walked into Haregrove's mansion? Well i can't spell his name i know who cares lol. Anyhow you remember seeing 3 NANO SUITS in one room?

I have a theory. They died from the suit. They were dead walking man and prophet was the last survivor.

If you realized, there are EXACTLY 3 nanosuits in that room but i just remember Prophet vaporized at least 2 nano suit users. So that leaves Nomad and Psycho.

I bet they didn't make it or maybe they have another mission elsewhere not knowing what's going on?

I hope Crytek will consider a expansion story :D
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:04 am

Where's Psycho!? That's a question.
Nomad wasn't really interesting character (Alcatraz is far worse in that matter, but well...) while Psycho... was a pinnacle of Crytek games character development.... and they wiped him out just like that.

he will also come in crysis 2 warhead :)
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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:52 am

Ok guys this is a spoiler but remember in Crysis 2 you walked into Haregrove's mansion? Well i can't spell his name i know who cares lol. Anyhow you remember seeing 3 NANO SUITS in one room?

I have a theory. They died from the suit. They were dead walking man and prophet was the last survivor.

If you realized, there are EXACTLY 3 nanosuits in that room but i just remember Prophet vaporized at least 2 nano suit users. So that leaves Nomad and Psycho.

I bet they didn't make it or maybe they have another mission elsewhere not knowing what's going on?

I hope Crytek will consider a expansion story :D
At first I though this could be a valid answer, but after a while I recalled that in the same room there is a massive suit (like double the size of the rest) with no helmet. That, I think, defeated your theory and the suits might just be some decorations.
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Claire Jackson
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:51 am

Ok guys this is a spoiler but remember in Crysis 2 you walked into Haregrove's mansion? Well i can't spell his name i know who cares lol. Anyhow you remember seeing 3 NANO SUITS in one room?

I have a theory. They died from the suit. They were dead walking man and prophet was the last survivor.

If you realized, there are EXACTLY 3 nanosuits in that room but i just remember Prophet vaporized at least 2 nano suit users. So that leaves Nomad and Psycho.

I bet they didn't make it or maybe they have another mission elsewhere not knowing what's going on?

I hope Crytek will consider a expansion story :D
At first I though this could be a valid answer, but after a while I recalled that in the same room there is a massive suit (like double the size of the rest) with no helmet. That, I think, defeated your theory and the suits might just be some decorations.

Also the suits were slightly different. I assumed they were prototypes and previous iterations.

To OP:

No wide open areas? Have you even played the whole game? What about the defense of Grand Central Station, or the Cell bunker? Each of those is almost a square mile unto itself. Granted they're not as "big" as miles of repetitive forests, but that's because it's nowhere near as hard to litter the ground with trees and foliage as it is to faithfully recreate a New York cityscape.

Also, the story is very connected to Crysis 1, but you're right it doesn't deal with the aftermath, it picks up 3 years later. We have to assume everyone got off the island just fine though as the last we saw of Nomad and Psycho they were on a VTOL heading back to save Prophet who was lost on the island. Since Prophet is in New York, they clearly succeeded. But in my opinion their stories are not involved with with this one so there was no reason to try to connect them. Think about it:

In the flashbacks in Crysis 2 it became clear that Prophet was working for Hargreave independently of his role as Sergeant of Raptor team. Since he's right there at ground zero in Crysis 2 before the Marines are deployed and Gould and Hargreave both know he's there, we have to assume he left his military position. Meanwhile the events of Crysis 1 HAVE to have stirred up SOME military conflict with North Korea. I mean they were smuggling WMDs and kidnapping researchers and we responded by killing hundreds of them. It's natural to assume that Nomad and Psycho just got reassigned in that conflict. Remember that at the beginning of Crysis 2, no one but Hargreave and Prophet know the Ceph are invading. It starts out as just a virus and unfolds very quickly from there. They probably just didn't have time to recall Raptor Team.
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Steve Bates
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:31 am

oh come on people, it's like you've never played a game before. All the characters, unfinished plots and the unexplained missing story is a really big DLC split in really small 10euro pieces.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:20 am

Where's Psycho!? That's a question.
Nomad wasn't really interesting character (Alcatraz is far worse in that matter, but well...) while Psycho... was a pinnacle of Crytek games character development.... and they wiped him out just like that.

he will also come in crysis 2 warhead :)
Which, knowing EA, will be console-only Add-On.
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Judy Lynch
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:27 am

i hope Nomad returns with Psycho, my two favourite characters, i never liked Alcatraz or Prophet
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Amy Masters
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:21 am

There is a realy big story gap between C1 and C2 :(. C1 is like episode one and C2 is like episode five. If there will be no sequel to original story, i hope that at least modding community will create C1 aftermath.
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Christine Pane
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:31 am

In Prophet's flashback with his argument with Hargreave, as they talk about dead men walking with Prophet mentions all of it as if the rest of the team died. Didn't manage to see Nomad (no one knows his face anyway) but during that scene they show Psycho - that could mean he's a goner ^^

Either way Nomad and Alcatraz aren't exactly what I call a protagonist with some character development: Nomad never really gave some hint of background story or his personality and Alcatraz is even less talkative... the only words he says are "They call me... Prophet" during the cheesy ending. Great so what next things in the story is gonna be mixed personalities of the NANOSUIT. Well good then. Give us a schizo hero, this would actually be interesting provided the characters using it actually show any. -_-

As for Psycho well we don't know much about him but at least he was more talkative and had a hint of a personality.

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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:25 pm

double post *again* where is delete post in the edit options... :|
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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:52 am

Psycho was fun to play as, but I liked Nomad and the fact that at least he DID talk. Maked the interaction between the other characters better and more true to life. I was sick of everyone copying Valve with their 'silent' protagonist (sp?). Nomad did have a sense of humor which is more than I can for Prophet or Alcatraz. Nomad will (probably) return for C3 to finish off the Lingshan arc started in C2. Btw what happened to the Ceph's mouths. :D
Is there an 'offical' explanation of this.
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Connor Wing
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:00 am

oh come on people, it's like you've never played a game before. All the characters, unfinished plots and the unexplained missing story is a really big DLC split in really small 10euro pieces.
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Kevin Jay
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:39 am

Instead of resetting the story, they should have released Crysis 1 on the consoles in dumbed down form about a month or two in andvanced and then Crysis 2 with a continuation of Crysis 1's story on both systems.
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Davorah Katz
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:38 am

Ok guys this is a spoiler but remember in Crysis 2 you walked into Haregrove's mansion? Well i can't spell his name i know who cares lol. Anyhow you remember seeing 3 NANO SUITS in one room?

I have a theory. They died from the suit. They were dead walking man and prophet was the last survivor.

If you realized, there are EXACTLY 3 nanosuits in that room but i just remember Prophet vaporized at least 2 nano suit users. So that leaves Nomad and Psycho.

I bet they didn't make it or maybe they have another mission elsewhere not knowing what's going on?

I hope Crytek will consider a expansion story :D

If you activate Nanovision in that room you can see there's a person inside one of those suits lol, I guess it's an easter egg.
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