» Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:59 pm
Well OK, games when they come out have some glitches, its something common like water on earth. So now why pply AGAIN cry over small glitch, it will be always like that... "mah alienZ haz dif nail colorz than they should have!1!1one!one!11 GAME FAILZ" ? =.="
Just get over it guys, game have some glitches in AI, so Crytek will fix it.
Ps. It's not even an overall AI bug, problem is with scripts which "engage" AI into action when player is around.
Agreed. It's nothing to flip out over unless they completely ignore the issue. But it is something that needs to be fixed. As stated before, in a tactical shooter like this a large part of the challenge and enjoyment comes from facing opponents with intelligence, as opposed to mindless rushing mutants in Resistance: Fall of Man where the joy comes from using bizzare weapons to mow down scores of aliens in the blink of an eye.