Crysis 2 - Good things and bad things.

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:21 am

After a couple of days I now give my opinion about the game up to the forums. I'm a big Crysis fan and I played Crysis 2 since the minute it was released. So let me tell you what I think.

The story: Well, I think the intro was the best I ever seen in a videogame. The Storie is pretty good at all. I'm just missing the clear reference to Crysis and Crysis Warhead. There are a few moments in which is not very clear whats going on. I needed 11 hours to finish the campain on hard difficulty so the aktive playing time is pretty good.

The graphics: I think there's nobody who can say that Crysis 2 got bad graphics. But I think the Cryengine 3 has more potential than what we see this days because Crysis 2 was also developed for PS3 and xBox 360. At the moment I have to say that Crysis and Crysis Warhead look better except for the lightning and motionblur in
Crysis 2.

I hope for a patch that adds higher quality textures, Dx11 support, a 64bit Executable and the editor.

I read much about how disappointing this game is but I can't agree with it. In my opinion it was a mistake to release the game so early. I found like 50 bugs when played the game the second time. I bet there are a lot more. But well nobody is perfect. And so Crysis 2 isn't. But with the time I bet it becomes better and better.

So thanks Crytek for this great game. Keep up the good work. :)

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