Crysis Server List/NAT Type "Bug" and one more thing...

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:24 pm

Hello Crysis 2 Devs and Crysis 2 Owners.

Basically I'm making my post here because I had a bug and "fixed" it (quite a way to fix it, but nvm).

I'm using ADSL connection and I'm using router. At some point, before even Crysis 2 MP Demo was out, I bought a new router and my connection seemed to get faster (it seems even now, though, but that's a whole lot another story). ZyXEL P660htw2 EE is the new router name. Unlike in previous modem, port forwarding became one serious challenge. But with UPnP enabled I never worried too much about any game. Any, except for one. A certain game that could be bought through Steam, named "Monday Night Combat" had a very strange issue. Each time I tried to connect to any server, my modem shut my internet for good. And by internet I mean it refused to open new connections. ICQ, Steam Friend, etc that were already connected kept working but opening Web-Browser or launching a game through steam resulted in an endless waiting time. I tried to play with my ZyXEL's ports config, but every try was a failure. The game was indie, so I didn't care that much and uninstalled MNC.

I was well informed that my modem does not allow to forward ports that are already in use. I'm saying this because my old router (ZTE ZXDSL 531B) allowed to open any port and, even more, ALL ports. New modem seemed to refuse 1 to 65535 forwarding sequence. So here's the story:

When long awaited Crysis 2 MP Demo was released I installed it and, guess what? I experienced the same problem. However, unlike MNC, my internet went down every time I opened server list. I could easily join through "Friends->Join" option, however. I expected this bug to be fixed in full game, so I didn't report back then. After such a !@#$%^&* I decided to take a closer look. It said that my NAT type was "Strict", however few other games stated that my NAT was "Open" (due to UPnP I guess). So I looked for port numbers in readme file, started to open them and... TADA! Despite Crysis 2 not being launched some ports didn't open ("INTERNAL PORT ERROR" "Server Ports Duplicate"). So I tried it the other way around. I DLed port monitoring tool and tried to open ports with Crysis 2 launched. And so I knew that there's always at least one port that my new router refuses to open (same errors occur) that is being used by the game.

I said to myself: "Full game will not have this bug, so I'll just wait". Game is out. NewSith is unhappy, because it's still bugging that way. He plays through squadding with his RL friend, but squadding sometimes result in Connection To Host Lost" onstant message, XP is reverting, servers seem to have "Dead Lobby Bug*" every time.

Then I decided to revert to my old router. Results:
- Reduced XP reverting.
- No Server List Internet shutdowns.
- Moderate NAT type, no probs squadding.

*Dead Lobbies seem to be working sometimes. Most of servers are working but when match countdown starts not every player manages to get inside the game. For example: When my friend and me tried to wait in a dead lobby, game countdown started (match ended) and after it went off, I was still watching the lobby screen while my friend was shooting and killing.

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Lawrence Armijo
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:28 am

One more thing:

This game needs coop.

About 2 marines wearing 2 nanosuits seen in the Multiplayer. Hargreave was a shadowy person, so why not to expand HIS storyline through coop campaign. Also through it you may give us more info on Nomad's and Psycho's fates.

You can then add some coop moves. And for example make each of those two marines different in suit customization. Plus an ability to defibrillate severely wounded partner that dies if not saved. Checkpoint load if that happens. Above all some maps that require plenty of teamplay and some solo missions where players run separated. And one long coop APC ride. Hell, yeah! Make it DLC and, personally my friend and I, will gladly pay for it. But only after you fix current Crysis 2 Bugs.

I hope first post was useful and my second post is taken in deeper consideration.

Thankfully yours, and such...
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katie TWAVA
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:00 am

This is not just Crysis 2 problem (Monday Night Combat, Left 4 Dead, Mount And Blades etc...) - it can be fixed quite easily in this case (just a small patch that would save the server filter settings).
Problem is probably, that a large amount of servers are trying to connect to Router and cause him lock itself and do not open any new connection for about 5 minutes.
Solution is probably to set port forwarding or does Zyxel have some agresive DDOS protection (no idea)?

This could help i your case:
When i get home i will try it on my Zyxel 661HW-D3 as well (i have 2 routers so in my case it will be double forwarding :-). Zyxel - Netgear combo.

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.X chantelle .x Smith
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:37 am

This is not just Crysis 2 problem (Monday Night Combat, Left 4 Dead, Mount And Blades etc...) - it can be fixed quite easily in this case (just a small patch that would save the server filter settings).
Problem is probably, that a large amount of servers are trying to connect to Router and cause him lock itself and do not open any new connection for about 5 minutes.
Solution is probably to set port forwarding or does Zyxel have some agresive DDOS protection (no idea)?

"("INTERNAL PORT ERROR" "Server Ports Duplicate")"

This could help i your case:
When i get home i will try it on my Zyxel 661HW-D3 as well (i have 2 routers so in my case it will be double forwarding :-). Zyxel - Netgear combo.

I tried turning FW off, I think, and my WAN died that time. Will try to do it again, but... Hmmmm...

EDIT: What's the date of your modem firmware release?
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Matt Gammond
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