Changes we'd all like to see in the patch

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:48 am

Right, so I'm hoping there's gonna be a patch soon cause this game needs one fast. I thought we could help Crytek by giving them all the problems we have been experiencing with the game (thus far). Oh and let's not rage, just give them the problem so they can give us the solution :) My problems are:

1. Cannot log in with my gamesas account (says check connectivity)

2. If I do manage to log in (which doesn't happen anymore), it forgets my serial key and crashes when I input it, saying "Cryengine error: reference deleted counted object twice"

3. Usually after I die, the melee stops working until I reach the next checkpoint

4. Everytime I load the game, I end up losing most of my Nano Catalysts, so I can never afford to but the proper modules

Anyone else experiencing any other problems or have solutions to the ones mentioned above?
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Taylor Bakos
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