Just because you can make a quick-cash-grab from low quality games on consoles Crytek, doesn't mean PC has to suffer the same faith! You brought this steaming pile of **** to PC, and I'm sure many are in disbelief. Disbelief as to what could have possibly happened with Crytek. You screwed over your fans, but surely you satisfy your shareholders, profit and EA with this garbage game.
I have lost all respect. Let's face it this is the new standard for games, all companies are going in the same direction, releasing unfinished products with a magnitude of glitches/bugs, with as little support as possible, to allow for the biggest cash-grab in history. They'd rather have the customer that pays full price be the beta tester. Beta-ing these days is a waste of time and does not allow for maximum profit so there you have it.
Add in some preplanned DLC and Online Pass Codes and you and your shareholders are all set! Not maximum armor, but MAXIMUM PROFIT!
Everyone wants day 1 sales like COD, just look at what Crysis 2 has become. An ordinary COD clone with COD gameplay and hugely dumbed down game in general to apply to the casual crowd. Great job!
It's disgusting me what gaming has become. The quality of games these days is very poor, and there's no changing. Gaming has become a true industry. An industry where customers are to put up with everything these filthy publishers throw at us, since there's hardly any laws providing in customer satisfaction for these digital goods.
And if you wanna be a sheep following the leader, go ahead. But don't play on PC , get a console instead. Console is maximum profit! Games made for your puny mind! It's pretty hard to lose or to be bad at current generation games, since all games are made as accessible as possible for everyone to enjoy, like a babytoy. No skill required at all! Future console games will have a button to win instantly! No more frustrating games, just WIN WIN WIN.
Please prove me wrong game industry.
Only FPS titles that are worth mentioning this year are RO2, and BF3. All though BF3 looks like it's going to be dumbed down too.