#Invert Y axis on mouse - When there is a "camera-lock" or a cinematic moment, the inverted Y axis goes back to none inverted for that time. For those who play with inverted it really takes you out of the action/moment in the game. (Like at a vista shoot or at the start when they tell you to nod your head.)
#Pressing Enter - When you need to respawn or get past the splash screen at the main menu you need to press Enter, would be nice to have it on something you normaly have you're fingers on like a mouse button or press any key to continue. (More of a comfort thing then a real problem.)
#Unlock points - The points you get to unlock weapons, perks and abilites don't stick. Everytime I go back to change something all my already spent points are reset and I have to spend them again. (I can still use the ones I pick if i go straight into a game after picking them but I can't level them correctly)
#Kicking/banning - Would be nice to be able to ban or kick cheaters with something like a vote system. (That way if the entire server feels like someone is cheating or using hacks then they can be kicked for it.)
Other then the above I personally have been having a blast playing the game, I hope that future patches will fix the problems people have been having and that this helps.
Thank you.