PC whiners are morons

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:15 pm

Paraphrasing a very wise indie game dev, a pirated copy of a game is not a lost sale, but just a copy, meaning there are more of them in the world. If you want a game to be bought, make sure that it should last more than a few days.

To be honest, im pretty sure that Crytek expanded to consoles not simply because they were dissapointed in pirates, but because it is furthering their audience, which is a magnificent thing. Sure, I will miss the purely PC made game, but as long as the game runs fine for me, I will be happy.

And as it has been said before, PC elitists will have fun with BF3 im sure. I undoubtedly will ;D
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:42 pm

The OP wasn't saying everyone in the PC crowd is a pirate, but those who do pirate and do not support the games end up causing ramifications for developers in the end.

A lot of franchises have been killed off by piracy in the PC Gaming area alone only to find these franchises getting a new life on the consoles. Why is this? The console crowd finally surpassed the PC gaming crowd. The money is in the consoles today as PC games do not have the same turnaround like they use to have.

Most cross-platform games that have PC versions are lucky enough to see higher texture palettes and extra eye candy if you're lucky these days that attempt to separate themselves from the console versions.

Crysis 1 may have sold a lot but it also was pirated more and it surpassed the initial sales in the end. Let's say Crysis 1 sold 5million copies and it was pirated 10 million times. That certainly puts a damper on things would you think?

Console pirates need to mod their systems in order to play games which is very dumb as you can get your console banned from the manufacturer outright. Is that really productive to do just because people are lazy to support a game or wait for a simple price drop or even a sale?
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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:08 pm

There is a way more piracy Xbox / PS3 Crysis2 version on the internet than PC Crysis2 ( for the final release )

Yerli is just a idiot who dont know the game reality in this world with piracy. He may stop live in a Disney world where internet pirate do not exist
But at least, with all console piracy of this game, he will stop think PC user = all pirate/hacker.

Enjoy and welcome in the reality.

In anycase i assume that i bought all PC crysis game since this game really deserve to be bought because of great Solo for Crysis ( a way better than the crysis2 solo ) and great MP with Wars + Editor who give way more hours of fun and creativity.
For Crysis2, well, thats now more a corridor console-ish game ( no more freedom / no more vehicle ( 3in crysis2, around 8-10usable vehicles in preview crysis, only 1 environement, only City and interior, no charismatic bipod alien, no more big boss, less tweakable nano with disparition of the strenght / speed option ) with nano suit and idiot thing to collect with a COD-copy MP game to not disapointed Console gamer without any critical faculty.

So yeah, if you are a console gaer who never know preview Crysis, i can understand that you dont understand why pc user are disapointed about this game. But stop juge wihtout KNOW.
And most of all. Stop take Crysis2 criticism personnaly... omg.

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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:32 pm

I'm getting sick and tired of PC people falling for **** from these random console muppeteers. Don't reply let the thread drop off the page.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:31 am

Incidently, Crysis 2 piracy has so far amounted to a not very much downloaded beta leak and two FULL retail console leaks... Hmm, what was that piracy issue again?

Besides TC, you certainly throw around some harsh words for someone placing him/her/itself on a pedestal.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:46 am

Go to TPB and see how many Xbox and PS3 related Crysis 2 torrents there are compared to PC...yeah, piracy is killing PC gaming my ass. They just want to cater to the noobs with their thumbsticks. Well, they can shove their thumbs up their asses because this game is a complete **** disaster.
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Paula Rose
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:54 am

So much rage
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:55 pm

ITT, **** still doesn't realize how consoles ruined Crysis 2
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:26 am

PC player have been around longer then you and this game. Most PC people are just disappointed in the suspected lack of quality from the original. PC people love this game and is the reason for them expressing their concerns; they are entitled to express their views as you are. So enjoy your console game.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:48 am

As a long-time PC gamer, I am also disgusted with a lot of the whining from other PC elitist gamers.

Some of the things they may have a right to complain about, but there are some ridiculous issues that they raise, such as the noise they made over the “PRESS START TO BEGIN”.

(I personally wish Crytek keep the “PRESS START TO BEGIN” message in the game just out of principle.)

I don’t see what the problem with that is. Anyone with even a small amount of common sense would know that “START” would be the same thing as pressing “ENTER”.

Most PC gamers with sense should know that if an introduction screen in a PC game says to press ENTER, then “ENTER” would mean the same thing as “START”. And, START would be the same as ENTER, because you normally press ENTER to START something.

And, if your keyboard does not have a key that says “ENTER”, then it may have the symbol for “ENTER” or it may even say the word “RETURN”. It may have a RETURN key which would be the same as “ENTER” or “START”.

My XBOX 360 Controller for Windows has a START button on it. Some of my PC games say “PRESS ENTER TO BEGIN”, yet I don’t get offended. The game has already detected my XBOX controller, yet it still tells me to press ENTER instead of START. Now I could shout and complain, and say the game svcks, because it is advertised as a “Games For Windows” game with full support for the XBOX controller yet it has offended me and my choice of controller. However, there are thousands of more important things in the world to complain about.

Speaking about XBOX Controllers, I don’t see what the problem elitists have with the idea that some other gamer is online on the PC with a controller and Auto Aim. If you argue that the keyboard and mouse is superior, then why worry about game pad users with auto aim. If you think gamepad auto aim is like cheating, then the same could be said about the mouse. You could argue that the mouse is far too accurate. The mouse can make any unskilled player good. It can also be argued that he mouse is cheating because most first person shooter games in the world are being played with gamepad controllers. Keyboard and mouse players are in the minority. Like it or not, the majority on the PC platform, who are the keyboard and mouse gamers, need to learn to accept that the PC is, and has always been, a highly flexible gaming platform with many forms of controller support. The new “elitist” mentally that keyboard and mouse is superior, therefore controller users on the PC cannot use auto aim is ridiculous.

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:59 am

just wait and see when console monkeys whine about how bf3 on pc has 64 players and then cite piss poor game like mag having 256 players on ps3.............note to self never buy again from crytek

Reading op i was reminded of my puppy so eager to please its master...........crytek has a new dog
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:56 am

that aim assist is actually called aim bot in pc gaming............go play on consoles if "pc elitist" make you sick........do play with joe the plumber console gamers. stop being a tea party puppet
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:20 am

Go to TPB and see how many Xbox and PS3 related Crysis 2 torrents there are compared to PC...yeah, piracy is killing PC gaming my ass. They just want to cater to the noobs with their thumbsticks. Well, they can shove their thumbs up their asses because this game is a complete **** disaster.

Well, unfortunately, console piracy rates do not matter.

They "EA/Crytek" will probably sell at least ten times more copies on console than on PC.

So, unfortunately, we can't rely on that argument about the huge piracy rates on console.

Even after all the PC piracy, by May 2010, Crysis 1 on the PC had sold over 3 million units (and its standalone expansion about 1.5 million units), making it one of the best selling PC games of all time.

The reality now is that most of their sales from Crysis 2 will be from console, so they will have good reason to ignore the console pirates.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:29 am

Go to TPB and see how many Xbox and PS3 related Crysis 2 torrents there are compared to PC...yeah, piracy is killing PC gaming my ass. They just want to cater to the noobs with their thumbsticks. Well, they can shove their thumbs up their asses because this game is a complete **** disaster.

Well, unfortunately, console piracy rates do not matter.

They "EA/Crytek" will probably sell at least ten times more copies on console than on PC.

So, unfortunately, we can't rely on that argument about the huge piracy rates on console.

Even after all the PC piracy, by May 2010, Crysis 1 on the PC had sold over 3 million units (and its standalone expansion about 1.5 million units), making it one of the best selling PC games of all time.

The reality now is that most of their sales from Crysis 2 will be from console, so they will have good reason to ignore the console pirates.

They don't matter? Games need to sell more on consoles. Releasing for those things comes with certain extra expenses.
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