Crytek please release a patch for the AI to be improved

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:39 am

Please make changes to the AI asap. All players are aware of the issues with the AI ,as well as it being the best out there by far (when it works) it also falls flat on its face when enemies run into walls and objects or away from you or dont even realise your standing right next to them. I understand the AI has to be able to realise when your cloaked and when your not, your last visible position, and weather the seth are going to kill them, its alot! But if crytek just spent a day just ironing out the bugs i would feel like my £30 was worth it. At the moment you have only earned £20 of it. Aside from that its amazing. Real time cut scenes that look straight off of a CGI animation. Please prove to all the C.o.D Fans that are hatin wrong. Fix the A.I to make this the best FPS ever.
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emma sweeney
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