» Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:34 am
I would like the Nano suit to grow out 4 extra arms, covered in peanutbutter and you could climb goldengate bridge but had to be careful of slipping since those arms where covered in peanutbutter... and... oh oh.. i know, the buttcheecks should have some sort of ejection, like when you sit in a restaurant and don't want to pay for diner... BAM! you eject yourself through the roof and at the same time you can shoot laser with your anus so you can kill that annoying waiter on the way ouy.. pew pew.. and wouldent it be cool if you could have a giant foot which exploded every 10 minutes into marshmellows and people would be like "hey dude... your giant foot is exploding and out comes marshmellows.. how wicked is that!" and you could give everybody you know marshmellows.
That.. or just leave it as it is... i don't know...