You guys obviously care much more about money, and the lowest common denominator, than you care about making a quality product.
You call us PC gamers pirates, and blame us for the state of the industry - but we are the ones that MADE you guys. and now you steal my money and give me a sub-par product, and you feel good about it too.
I can't enjoy SP, as the progression and melee systems are broken. I can't enjoy MP, as the lobby system is broken. I can't even play the crappy game you made, let alone the game you SHOULD have made.
well fine. i can't stop you. you probably don't care, and definitely won't respond. but i can think you are greedy crappy people, and i don't have to purchase anything you make ever again. you can keep your bugs, your high price tag and tiny console sized maps. i'm sick of you.
have a nice life.