» Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:50 pm
Hahahahaha, hahahahaaahaa, hahahaha....hahaha, hahaa haaaa. Okay, let's break this down:
The time has come people, to stand together as a community and say NO MORE! Will YOU be a human being with rights and freedoms, or would you prefer to be a cow, going through life being herded where the farmer wants you to go?
THE CHOICE IS YOURS whether you decide to use it or not.
1. I get the feeling you're trying to make a moving/powerful speech, unfortunately, that doesn't have as much effect on a forum.
I am so sick of hearing people say "lots of games these days have to be patched". Just because people do it, does NOT make it right! Millions of MURDERS occur daily, so we should allow those killers to go free? Lots of people are doing it!
*READ* 2. Being cheated by a game company isn't even in the same ballpark as the continuous murders that go on day after day, unpunished. In one instance (murder), someone's life is ending; all that they are and ever will be is gone, almost as though it's never happened...you've taken away their anger, sadness, joy and happiness, and you can never fix it, their loved ones (children, wife, husband, brother, sister, mother, and father's lives are forever changed). In the other (this), you have lost a fleeting moment of menial entertainment in your lifetime, a series of codes and script that will never amount to anything in your impact on the world. That's how undeniably wrong you are.
It is NOT acceptable to release a faulty product into the marketplace, and if you sit back and accept it merely because it's happened before, you dishonor the memory of your forefathers who took up arms, died in political prisons, and published underground newspapers to give us the society we live in today! My grandfather died on the shores of a foreign country, so that I would have the RIGHT to complain when I'm given a shoddy product!
*READ* 3. Your grandfather doesn't give a damn about your quarrels with a game company. He died for a cause in which he believed he was saving his country and facilitating the betterment of the world, you're sitting here on your (likely) fat ass and biching so you can get an imperceptibly small amount of extra entertainment for yourself. Your dead Grampa probably doesn't like you using him in your half-assed argument.
It's this kind of blind acceptance that allowed Hitler to attempt genocide in WW II! Most of the people of Germany didn't agree with him killing persons of the Jewish faith, but because no one stood up and tried to stop him, it was allowed to proceed! BECAUSE NO ONE STOOD UP AND SAID "NO"!
4. Now I don't even need to explain how unnecessary imprudent that is
Now I'm not saying that we should compare a faulty video game to the Holocaust, but the underlying factors are the same. If we as a community accept this, it will continue to happen, and we'll see bigger problems on more games, and get longer wait times for the fixes.
5. At least he admitted it (look back at 4)
I am daily grateful that our ancestors had the intestinal fortitude to stand up and DO something when they saw they were being wronged, and many of them DIED for that privilege! You people, however, only have to write a letter or post. Maybe return the game until they fix the issues, but you're not willing to do even THAT!
You act like a bunch of sheep or cattle, shuffling along, where-ever they care to point you, and the only contribution you make to this world is DUNG!
*READ* And Finally 6. I almost could've ignored your post, almost could've let it slide and continued with my day, but then there was this. So because I'm not trying to rally people from the comfort of my computer chair (on a forum no less) to rebel against a company that makes media products for simple entertainment and has never wronged me in my life (even though it was I who decided to spend my money on their product) and callously referring to my long dead grandfather's sacrifices in WW2 and the horrors of the holocaust to twist into a spearhead for my inane and menial argument....then my lifelong contributions amount to nothing?
I think I'd rather be making the dung then be like you and grovel in it.
BRA-****-VO!!!! =D
You people want to flame me and call me names (troll? Really?)for trying to improve our overall experience. Crytek has done nothing to help us in the past MONTH, and I'm just saying if we don't get together, they may never fix it.
Obviously, you have a copy that you can actually login to. I am not so fortunate. I STILL can't get past the login screen - the SAME issue that occurred day 1 of the Demo.
I have just one word for you people :
(My thanks to Ringleader0 for the idea)