LOL people are actually defending Crytek.

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:59 am

Not everything is about EA and their release dates.

For example, the texture quality has NOTHING to do with the release date limitation. It actually takes LONGER TIME to take high-res pictures and scale them down to fit. So Crytek actually used more time making the graphics worse, kinda.

So yeah, some things wouldn't be EA's fault.

You're wrong and right. Right that yes, Crytek purposely scaled the high-res textures down. BUT!! They did it so it can run smoothly on consoles. Remember this is a multiplatform game. It takes time to scale down and make it work, but it takes MORE TIME to re-implement high res into the PC version. Like I say constantly, it's just not done yet, we need to wait for patches and updates. If there was let's say, 6 more months to work on this game, then the problems we see including low textures on PC version for like the grass, WOULD NOT exist.

It all has to do with release date. Release dates=deadlines to work. The farther the deadlines, the more you can work, the more you work, the better the outcome. it's just how things work in life.
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Julie Serebrekoff
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:28 pm

They won my respect from the first. I'm pissed off about this console port but its a gimmick for them to make more money towards the future. They will make crysis 3 specific to consoles and expand more than likely to do a new pc project to compete with bf3

I disagree. Crysis 2, which is very important for me to note, is basically a CryEngine 3 show off. Crytek pushed the boundaries and showed other devs they can make the best graphics. Now they want to show the best engine. This is the main purpose of Crysis 2. And in order to show off the engine completely, they MUST improve the PC version. This is not a port; it was made on CryEngine 3, one of the key features of it is for NO PORTS of ANY VERSION to ANY VERSION. Meaning, this is xbox360 game on xbox 360, a ps3 game on ps3, and a PC game on PC.
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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:02 am

1.Cant play MP (I'M SO HAPPY ) fix f**** game
2.Crysis2 will never see DX11
3.don't worth 5 bucks........

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Danielle Brown
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:29 am

Don't defend crytek
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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:58 pm

Thats funny, what did they do right? I don't give a **** about dx11 even though I do have a dx11 card.

Redeem codes not working.
Enter cd key every time you play. They send out a work around instead of a patch.
Muliplayer servers not launching.
Server browser broken. (109 pings). They send out a patch, but still broken for me anyways.

They try to patch it, patcher won't auto update for everyone. They put out a manual patch, the manual patch won't see the installed game. They tell people to redownload and reinstall. I live in Canada and pay per megabyte can't afford to download the game again and again.

Finally get into a ranked game. Hackers have taken it over, walking around with cloak while shooting.
Unlocks don't save after you quit.

Broken broken broken broken. Why even release a game as embarssing as this. Crytek should be so ashamed of themselfs.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:37 pm

Why are we blaming Crytek for management decisions? EA owns them, and as everyone who has been in business knows, the higher the manager, the more disconnected from reality they are. EA probably forced them to put it out on March 25th just so they could wrap up counting the money for the 2011 fiscal year, despite the devs crying "it's too soon, the world is not ready and neither is the game", which they probably crushed under the heavy boot of contracts.
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Kill Bill
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:15 am

well maybe not set a release date, id prefer a finished product, n not put money in their accounts for a beta version, theyre rolling in our money, n what do we get? i work hard and deliver top products, so should they
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:02 pm

I am rather annoyed with whoever is responsible for this game. I have followed their instructions given and I still can't get my pre-order benefits (unless my mycry account has to be under the same Email as my ingame account). However I digress.

The thing that annoys me the most is how the developers hyped up the game so much in the beginning. It actually sounded that they cared! But the truth is, if they cared half as much as they proclaimed, they would have worked out the most aggravating bugs before the release.

Take the whole "no pre-order benefits" for example. People have followed their "fix" instructions and only 12 out of 151 people find it useful. That tells me that there is a problem.

Sufficed to say this is the last time I preorder from those monsters at EA. They can keep their battlefield 3 for all I care. Untill it goes on sale that is ;)
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stevie trent
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:05 am

I am rather annoyed with whoever is responsible for this game. I have followed their instructions given and I still can't get my pre-order benefits (unless my mycry account has to be under the same Email as my ingame account). However I digress.
Your Crysis 2 account should be your account or vice versa, it goes without saying that the system doesn't know if you have two **** account!?
I think you will have to contact CryTek to assist you.
The level of retardeness on this forum is unbelievable...
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:34 am

it's really **** up how these dx11 haters don't want Crysis 2 to look good because then they won't be able to run it maxed out on their ****.

**** or not,not everyone here thinks that superior graphics can make even on **** story,gameplay and other bugs that come with it,in this case C2.
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Scarlet Devil
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:58 am

The people defending crytek need to seriously **** off and get a clue. This is a stripped down linear console port that only has Dx9. And its called CRYSIS 2.

WHAT THE **** don't people understand about that?

The people defending crytek are the reason why PC gaming is going down the toilet. **** idiots.
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Oyuki Manson Lavey
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:24 pm

The people defending crytek are the reason why PC gaming is going down the toilet. **** idiots.
I like how you judge me and think I'm an idiot, but you know nothing about me.
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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:02 pm

The people defending crytek need to seriously **** off and get a clue. This is a stripped down linear console port that only has Dx9. And its called CRYSIS 2.

WHAT THE **** don't people understand about that?

The people defending crytek are the reason why PC gaming is going down the toilet. **** idiots.

+1 Minus the insults...
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aisha jamil
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:41 am

The people defending crytek need to seriously **** off and get a clue. This is a stripped down linear console port that only has Dx9. And its called CRYSIS 2.

WHAT THE **** don't people understand about that?

The people defending crytek are the reason why PC gaming is going down the toilet. **** idiots.


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Josh Dagreat
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:28 pm

The people defending crytek need to seriously **** off and get a clue. This is a stripped down linear console port that only has Dx9. And its called CRYSIS 2.

WHAT THE **** don't people understand about that?

The people defending crytek are the reason why PC gaming is going down the toilet. **** idiots.


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My blood
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:34 am

i Just finished this so called CRYSIS game! 6 hours storyline for a game that looks like a fanboys made! Seriously .....and you want 50 euros for this? not to mention the useless MP! biggest gaming disappointment in my life! down down down! awful awful awful! i could write a 10 pages review of this but whats the point? Crysis franchise is dead....SAD but TRUE...!
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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:07 am

People actually play crysis? I thought we were all just waiting to get our hands on the best looking renderer alive.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:36 am

Your Crysis 2 account should be your account or vice versa, it goes without saying that the system doesn't know if you have two **** account!?
I think you will have to contact CryTek to assist you.
The level of retardeness on this forum is unbelievable...

Well even operating with my true account I still can't access my entitled benefits.
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:08 am

crytec change your name! ohh wait will still be ea's puppet just hope bf3 doesnt fail as hard as you guys did. DICE If you are reading this DONT F pc gamers! we are trolls and will destroy your forums! muhahahahahahaha
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Rozlyn Robinson
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