1. When firing "from the hip" with a laser sight while in stealth the first few bullets wont hit, or at least not until you're kicked out of stealth. This seems to be the most noticeable when using a pistol. I haven't tried it in MP yet.
2. I've noticed that pretty much every window image reflection in the game is horribly inaccurate. For instance on the level "Sudden Impact" the reflection in the second story windows of the main building near the crater reflect a street level scene, not a second story rooftop scene. Screenshot: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/560904132126654105/00A3BF5068B6E3A47D8F6E3C01BBC610ADAC3B0A/ Also many store front and vehicle window reflections are inaccurate as well. Oh, and windows never reflect your character either.
I would venture to guess that this is an intentional design or a result of using DX9 and bending to the graphical restraints of consoles. Either way it's still very distracting and extremely disappointing when you first realize it and have to do a "wtf? that's not what's behind me" double-take.
These are fairly mild bugs and undoubtedly the least of Crytek's worries right now, but might as well add them to the list if anyone from Crytek is writing this stuff down...