I am disappointed the vision of patch is gone

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:47 am

I've just read one news on the eurogamer.net I suppose that Crytek and EA will never release patch for Crysis 2 (DX11 and other configuration) for us! for PC gamer's.
And I'm disappointed because they lie to us. I was in one JRC shop in prague and there is big paper ALCATRAZ and near close to his legs is written "Full support DX11" and this is a lie from my point of view.
I have no idea why they do that. But what is true that EA is a boss and they can change the rules and they can change everything. And we? We are just the sheeps nothing more :-(
I like Crysis 1 it is best benchmark game what I ever played and second Crysis is just normal game which I can play on i3 notebook...

For Crytek and Cry-Tom - Why you do that? We loved Crysis and Crysis 2 is just something for what we will start to hate you.

I'm really disappointed
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[ becca ]
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