Just a word about GameSpy...

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:14 am

I'll start off with the positives: I'm having a lot of fun with Crysis 2, so well done there.

The one thing that continues to frustrate the hell out of me, however, is the decision to go with GameSpy as the hosting service. I don't know why you would choose a service that deliberately gets in the player's way when it comes to trying to join a damn game, but it performing its annoying mission flawlessly. When I played the demo, I prayed that GameSpy would work to improve its frankly craptacular performance before release but I've been met with disappointment as I've spent more time trying to join an MP game than I have actually playing in a match.

If anyone has a way to circumvent this piece of crap a la Borderlands, please post it so I can enjoy the multiplayer aspect of this game without having to deal with a shoddy 3rd party. Thank you.
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